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  1. N

    Video player problem

    The player does play the streaming video when there is no media device on the computer.
  2. N

    Cannot screen share if there is no media device

    I have tried to screen share using the example here: from computer that does not have microphone or webcam and here is the error I got:
  3. N

    Screen sharing does not work any more

    Application Window and Chrome Tab screen sharing does not work on Chrome 71.0.3578.98, I tested here: Only the Entire Screen works.
  4. N

    Xeon vs i7

    Can you tell whether Flashphoner performs better on a Xeon or i7? Does, for example, the transcoding performs faster or one or the other CPU?
  5. N

    Method connect not available after upgrade

    After doing an upgrade to the newest version the rest app methods for a specific app were lost. I had to add them all again.
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    Mixer cancel loopback audio?!

    We are trying to implement the following scenario: 1 presenter initiates a sceenshare + audio 4 other presenters join with audio only several other people watch the single screenshare and listen to the 5 presenters The obvious idea is to create a mixer and join all 5 streams to 1 and let the...
  7. N

    Chrome screensharing / share audio

    The latest Chrome version provides a sound option with the screen share. How does that affect broadcasting? Should we explicitly attach audio on the CreateStream or leave it to Chrome to take care of it?
  8. N

    JMX authentication

    I am trying to connect with the VisualVM to a remote WCS server but it fails. Is it because there is no authentication by default and it only accepts connections from localhost? How do I make it accept authenticated JMX connections?
  9. N

    Cannot detect microphone when no video device

    The flashphoner js library fails to detect the microphone where the computer does not have a video device. Here are the test results: I run the Then I run the streamer example and when I click on the Start Chrome 69 reports "Requested device not found" But, when I run the...
  10. N

    Mic detection fails on Mac

    We have users reporting that when trying to broadcast through Chrome 69 on Mac it won't detect the microphone devices. We cannot test at the moment as we do not have a Mac device at hand. Is it possible for you to test?
  11. N

    Exception at stream info service

    We have a user complaining that his screen sharing cuts off unexpectedly. When I check the flashphoner_manager.log I see a storm of the following lines keep repeating forever: 10:19:44,172 WARN RmiNodeStatService - RMI TCP Connection(2593)-XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Exception at stream info service...
  12. N

    Rest error

    I am posting the following: :9091/rest-api/stream/find {"name":"abcd123", "status":"PUBLISHING" } And the server returns the following error although there is a publishing stream with this name: { "exception":"", "path":"/rest-api/stream/find"...
  13. N

    Enable webhooks

    I have just installed the latest version to experiment with some configuration and I think the webhooks are not enabled or something: # ssh admin@localhost -p 2000 Password authentication Password: > show apps show: command not found > help Try one of these commands with the -h or --help...
  14. N

    Certificate replacement error

    I am trying to replace the SSL certificate through the dashboard and I get the following error: Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Sat Sep 01 18:23:49 EDT 2018 There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server...
  15. N

    Slow action=stat

    We ping the /?action=stat page every 1 minute from our monitoring tool and we see that when there are around 100 connected users it takes 5-6 seconds to render. 1) Is it normal to take that long? 2) Is it bad practice to hit the stats page so often?
  16. N

    Flashphoner becomes very slow

    Flashphoner becomes very slow after 100 connections. We have 2-3 users streaming voice and screen sharing. When we start reaching 100 connected users things start to become very slow. By slow I mean that it takes 20 seconds from the time the users clicks play until he starts receiving...
  17. N

    ConnectionStatusEvent No Data

    Hi, i have configured the server REST method according to examples and everything works as expected. The problem is that sometimes the flashphoner server calls our REST Api endpoint /ConnectionStatusEvent without any data. What is the case when this call not sent any data? Regards
  18. N

    REST API Authorization

    Hi, i'm using flashphoner version 5.0.2484 and i have implemented the REST API for authorization based on docs from here My authorization scheme consists of an "auth" tag inside "custom" variable which contains a token (ex...
  19. N

    Failed to get media devices problem

    There is a problem with the flashphoner library that enumerates the microphone devices. The problem seems to happen on desktop PCs that only have build in sound card and do not have attached a webcam. As you can see from my screenshot even though the library cannot enumerate the devices I am...
  20. N

    Custom flashphoner.js compilation

    Is there any way to generate custom versions with certain features disabled? I am looking for a version that has only the player, no broadcast capabilities, in the hopes that my Ionic mobile app loads faster. We see 3 seconds delay when we include the flashphoner.min.js.