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  1. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    No more issues concerning unresponsiveness after update to version 1924, so that's great. Thanks. I'm still seeing the socketexceptions in the logs though and sometimes quite a lot: 21:00:00,029 WARN StunUdpSocket - STUN-UDP-pool-40-thread-1749 [id: 0x5935f9c6, /]...
  2. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Thanks. Current values after these rmem settings are now: net.core.rmem_default = 26214400 net.core.rmem_max = 26214400 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 6291456 net.ipv4.udp_rmem_min = 4096 I will monitor the situation the next 48 hours
  3. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Can I do this UDP socket buffer tuning while WCS is running and handling streams? Or do I need to stop the service first? Will it retain these values at server reboot ? Are there any downsides of this setting: ice_tcp_transport=true
  4. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Thank you Max. I've updated the server yesterday and it's running for 24 hours now. However, I'm seeing a few strange values in the WCS stats: core_java_totalPhysicalMemorySize = 16318554112 core_java_committedMemory = 426256351232 core_heap_memory_used = 526385152...
  5. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    I've sent a second report. This time from the other server (with ZGC setting) on version v.2.0.240-5.2.1920 which saw the same issue after just 5 hours. CPU spiked to 100% and then Flashphoner refused all streaming connections even when CPU went back to 0.
  6. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    I've sent the report. The ZGC was not yet configured on this server. Traffic is now on another server with that configuration.
  7. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Yes, I figured that out after I posted the edit. Complete result is too big to post in here. I see mostly RUNNABLE and TIMED_WAITING
  8. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    No, currently the following (default/unchanged) is in wcs core: -XX:ErrorFile=/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/error%p.log -Xlog:gc*:/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/gc-core-:time # Use System.gc() concurrently in CMS -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent # Disable System.gc() for...
  9. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Jmap is reachable but the Jstack command is not found. Current java version: openjdk version "14.0.1" 2020-04-14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 14.0.1+7) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0.1+7, mixed mode, sharing) ------------------------- EDIT (2):/ Sorry, jstack command was not in...
  10. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Unfortunately the problem happened again. It took longer this time to get to the point of unresponisveness and the server wasn't totally unresponsive but the CPU fluctuated rapidly but constantly from 1 to 100% and this did not stop even when all sessions and streams were diverted to another...
  11. S

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    After a WCS update to v.2.0.239-5.2.1914 we experienced that both our Flashphoner EC2 instances became unresponsive after a several hours. Streams were not handled anymore, publishers' sessions were interrupted and REST API access timed out. This happened both on a m5.xlarge (4vCPU, 16GB) and a...
  12. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    I have sent the reports from both servers to Please note that the log I sent yesterday via the form was an old log file which is not present at that server at the time of the report and that its WCS version had also been updated after cutting all the traffic from that...
  13. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    Can we also close TCP ports 8445 and 8082 ? I don't think it's a Dos attack however because after we switch the traffic from our sites to the other server the logs do not grow that much. I will collect this tomorrow
  14. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    I have uploaded an old log file via the form. Also included a link to a client log of which there are also a lot: bad-request-HLS-[id] which is weird because we don't use HLS. I'm not sure but on the manually installed server I think it was 5.2.1744 and on the Flashphoner AMI it was 5.2.1825...
  15. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    This seems to be working on one of the servers (with the hourly AWS license). This TCP setting was missing in the predefined rules list. However, this TCP setting was/is present on the other (manually installed) EC2 server and besides the Flashphoner WCS update nothing changed there and it was...
  16. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    This is the standard setting: media_port_from =31001 media_port_to =32000 So besides adding the TCP rule to AWS, I have to edit this configuration setting in flashphonen to set 31001 to 31000 and 32000 to 33000 ?
  17. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    With this setting I get the following error: WebRTC: ICE failed, add a STUN server and see about:webrtc for more details
  18. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    This is highly unexpected and has never happened before. It now happens on 2 different AWS servers. One with the AWS marketplace AMI with an hourly license and one with a regular EC2 image and FF manually installed. Both are on the latest FF version. I will try the ice_tcp_transport = true...
  19. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    Unfortunately I spoke too soon. It appears the error is caused by 0 bytes free on the drive which is caused by a flooding of the flashphoner.log with these kinds of entries: 12:35:57,014 WARN StunUdpSocket - STUN-UDP-pool-43-thread-208 [id: 0x43a9e0a1, /] Failed to...
  20. S

    Snapshot through Rest API

    That fixed it. Thanks.