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  1. P

    WCS 5.2.1947

    Hello, At the "Release notes" page there is a 1947 build that states "Added: GPU encoding support". The corresponding ticket is "WCS-3652". I used to ask a question about "HEVC & NVENC" support at this post hevc & nvenc | Support Forums ( . Does this build mean that NVENC has...
  2. P

    IDecodedPcmInterceptor Java 9+ support

    Many thanks, worked like a charm with Java 17.
  3. P

    IDecodedPcmInterceptor Java 9+ support

    Thanks for an update. The thing is that we do use Java 9+ features hence will have to revert back to older code. What is baffling though, is that for some reason we are able to use Java 9+ features with the "com.flashphoner.frameInterceptor" package but we fail with the...
  4. P

    IDecodedPcmInterceptor Java 9+ support

    Hello, we are able to use Java 17 with IDecodedFrameInterceptor however, we are not able to use the same Java version with IDecodedPcmInterceptor due to lack of module support and we are obliged to use only Java 8 with the "" package. Is there a way to enable support of...
  5. P

    frameDecoded writePixel yuv420 wrong colors

    Many thanks, it worked. Now the colours drawn on the output match the input.
  6. P

    frameDecoded writePixel yuv420 wrong colors

    Thanks for an update. When it comes to transforming a YUV420 frame in WCS to RGB format in OpenCV we use cvtColor(*mat, *mat, COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420); and this conversion works as expected. Problems arise when we try to convert an OpenCV RGB frame in WCS from RGB to YUV420 using writePixel.
  7. P

    frameDecoded writePixel yuv420 wrong colors

    Hello, we are using WCS to transfer frame data to OpenCV, process it there and then return the resulting frame to WCS in order to change pixels colours. The pixels we return are in either BGR or RGB pixel sequence. The generic formula we use is this: byte by = (byte) (r * .299000 + g * .587000...
  8. P

    RtspAgent Shutdown error in H.264 rtsp stream

    Many thanks, that worked.
  9. P

    RtspAgent Shutdown error in H.264 rtsp stream

    Hello, We are experiencing rtsp disconnect after about 1 minute. Here is disconnect log. 10:48:00,604 INFO RtspAgent - RTSP-AGENT-rtsp://pbochan:pass@ Shutdown 10:48:00,604 INFO RtspAgent -...
  10. P

    Screen capture

    Got it, thanks.
  11. P

    Screen capture

    Hello, I have a couple of questions regarding screen capture: 1. iOS examples provide a sample screen capture with Swift only, is the screen capture available for Objective-C? 2. is screen capture for both iOS and Android available while streaming/publishing a camera with microphone? Thanks, P
  12. P

    IDecodedPcmInterceptor modifying audio

    Hello, in the "frameDecoded" method we may use the "writePixel" function to modify the original frame pixels. Can we do the same with "pcmDecoded" method and modify the original audio packet? Thanks, P
  13. P

    IDecodedFrameInterceptor for all streams

    Thanks for an update. It's now working as expected.
  14. P

    IDecodedFrameInterceptor for all streams

    For some reason, inside the "public void frameDecoded(String streamName, YUVFrame frame)" method, the "streamName" parameter is always "Stream_NAME" instead of being the variable stream name. What could be the reason?
  15. P

    WebRTC stream push

    Thanks for an update. My bad, it's available, however, it was also on the API methods page labelled "WebRTC push".
  16. P

    WebRTC stream push

    Hello, some time ago at this page there used to be functionality (highlighted in green) on how to push/republish a stream using WebRTC. It isn't there anymore. If this still feasible? Thanks, P
  17. P

    IDecodedFrameInterceptor for all streams

    Correct, yuv420 worked out. Thanks.
  18. P

    IDecodedFrameInterceptor for all streams

    We are able to successfully save a decoded frame in YUV format. However, when trying to open it in OpenCV, we are getting a triple image. The question is: there are many YUV formats, which one do we use to convert it to OpenCV BGR format and then convert it back to WCS YUV format after processing?
  19. P

    IDecodedFrameInterceptor for all streams

    This approach worked. Thanks for an updated.
  20. P

    IDecodedFrameInterceptor for all streams

    Thanks for a reply. We need to be able to change/write any frames of any stream with or without transcoding. How do we do that?