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  1. R

    Server Crash

    We found the possible root cause of this problem. Our recording script send files over RSYNC each 300 MB. Once 300 MB is reached and starts to send the video record from mixer, the mixer frozes and after sent the file, back with non sync audio and video. STREAM_NAME=$1 SRC_FILE=$2...
  2. R

    Server Crash

    Hello! I have sent a wetransfer link with logs and settings file to be download. WCS Build: 5.2.665 JDK: openjdk version "1.8.0_252" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-b09) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.252-b09, mixed mode) - Is custom mixer layout used? If yes, please provide...
  3. R

    Embed Player - Duplicate Video

    Yeah, we can reproduce it here too, in the same way. @Max, can you check please?
  4. R

    Backup Stream

    Hello! Its possible to configure a backup stream? For example, if HLS 1 failed on the middle of event, we automatic load HLS 2.
  5. R

    MIXER - Change background

    Good day! We will test it this weekend. Thanks a lot
  6. R

    Server Crash

    I sent the logs by upload link. Thanks
  7. R

    Server Crash

    Hello! This night we got a server crash and looking at logs we found only this exception from java: 00:35:20,909 ERROR TcpClient - TcpClient-/X.X.X.X:31042-pool-76-thread-1 Got exception java.lang.NullPointerException: message at...
  8. R

    Embed Player - Duplicate Video

    It creates 2 times the video element with 2 differents Ids.
  9. R

    Mixer Layout

    Working perfect, thank u!
  10. R

    Embed Player - Duplicate Video

    Sorry, i was not clear on my text. The issue is on embed player, not related to mixer, this is only a sample image.
  11. R

    Embed Player - Duplicate Video

    Hello! We are experience issues (video is duplicated) on embed video player as bellow:
  12. R

    Mixer Layout

    Hello! Thanks as always for solve our questions. Changing this line solve the server crashs. Now we face the latest issue, a blank space on left area as bellow:
  13. R

    Player HTML5 - Show Controls

    Doesn't works. We are using a simple player example - demo. Not the embed. These lines are not present. Thanks, Rafael
  14. R

    Mixer Layout

    Dear! We create this file in JAVA, its reach 90% our needs BUT we are facing an issue, webcams are random positioned and if attach 4 streams mixer stop to work without error on logs file. Could you help me please? // Package name should be strictly defined as com.flashphoner.mixerlayout...
  15. R

    Can you please link ticket WCS-2753 to my account

    1 - create a node edge with SSL like 2 - install it on WCS as described 3 - point LOAD BALANCE IP to like 4 - no matter how many edges do you start, all of them has the same domain name and SSL and also the same image from WCS settings.
  16. R

    Stream is getting failed/disconnected

    @jyotipatidar, thanks!
  17. R

    Stream is getting failed/disconnected

    How to enable TCP transport and whats beneficts?
  18. R

    Mixer Layout - Quote

    How to receive a quote from this layout to mixer:
  19. R

    Player HTML5 - Show Controls

    Hello! While using player demo, if right click on stream, show controls are avaiable. How to make controls always avaiable?
  20. R

    Can you please link ticket WCS-2753 to my account

    Hello! We are excited with this tutorial and try it! Bellow our feedback: (NOTE: our origins servers are not located @google) 4. Create HTTP legacy health check. Note that load balancer always checks server root “/” With this setting we got unhealth instance. We are forced to change from "/"...