Web Call Server Playback not working


New Member
I am running demos after deploying wcs on ec2 on https://host:8888/dashboard.xhtml
In all demos, streaming one for example, when I click the start button, I can see my video in the local window. But in the Preview window, it shows blank.
In the flashphoner demo link https://wcs5-eu.flashphoner.com/demo2/webrtc-as-rtmp-republishing the streamer works well and on clicking the start button it shows PUBLISHING in green and I can see the preview appear shortly.
While in my case, the start button simply becomes disabled and no PUBLISHING (or even FAILED) appears.

This is happening for all demos. The playback from wcs is simply not working. While stream does get sent from my system to the remote wcs(otherwise I would get FAILED message which does not happen).


New Member
I have setup all traffic and all protocols to allow all ports.
Check this screenshot:
I did port routing check.
I executed `tcpdump udp port 8443` on the aws instance
And on my linux pc I executed
`echo -n “hello” | nc -4u -w1 ip_of_instance 8443`
And I could see tcpdump receiving UDP, length 5 packets.
So it seems the port number 8443 is listening.


Staff member
First of all open example Two Way Streaming on your host and press 'Connect'.
It should be 'ESTABLISHED'.
If it is not established, please do the same as described here.
You have to open page https://host:8443 and accept WCS certificates (self signed).
Then try to connect again.
If connection is established, try to publish a stream.


New Member
It gets established and published. But just the play does not work.
I even tried these settings (which includes rules as suggested here https://flashphoner.com/what-firewall-and-nat-rules-should-be-used-with-wcs ):
Still same result.
One thing I noted that after adding the rule for 8443 port (as in screenshot), I could see the local camera image. But still the remote window does not show anything.(screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/4hoq9RE.png )
The ip address is in that screenshot so that it can be tested on https://ip:8888. The id and pwd are admin,admin (temporarilty).
Not sure whats wrong!


Staff member
Publishing does not work in your case. If publishing works it should print 'PUBLISHING' status.
Please send SSH access to logs@flashphoner.com
We will check it via ssh.
Looks like your UDP ports are still closed.


Staff member
It works now.
It did not work because your ip= setting was wrong.
Main config is /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/flashphoner.properties
And ip setting must contain your external Amazon EC2 address or domain.
#external EC2 ip
#local LAN EC2 ip


New Member
Thanks Max!
Its working.

Was this documented somewhere?
If not then it would be great if it can be documented.

PS: I did not receive email notification for your response. Hence responding late after checking this thread on forum.


Staff member
Was this documented somewhere?
It is documented in the Admin Guide
The Admin Guide can be also found on this page.
In the latest versions of WCS server, these IP settings are set automatically during installation process.
But if you terminate Amazon instance, your real IPs are changed. So if you terminate and create an instance you have to change these IP settings manually or using a script.