Recent content by auronsan14

  1. auronsan14

    youtube multistream

    @Max thanks that api works
  2. auronsan14

    youtube multistream

    how to do it use REST_API /push/startup
  3. auronsan14

    youtube multistream

    seems youtube rejected the multistream I dont know why after 30 seconds got closed. but via obs work normal ``` { "mediaSessionId": "", "streamName": "rtmp_73fe7866-d8a3-47df-a998-db60945006fd", "rtmpUrl": "rtmp://", "rtmpFlashVersion"...
  4. auronsan14

    how to achieve CanvasStreaming to 1080p

    thank you! max works great. I forgot webcam is use srcObject not src
  5. auronsan14

    how to achieve CanvasStreaming to 1080p

    yeah worked now with room.publish. now I trying to get audio input to push along with customStream. is there a way to get audioInput from each participants object? var participants = room.getParticipants();
  6. auronsan14

    how to achieve CanvasStreaming to 1080p

    yeah but we will success run the canvas on headless chrome + webrtc to achive 1080p video. now we got problem when try init two flashphoner roomApi and flashphoner create stream
  7. auronsan14

    how to input multiple audio source on canvas streaming?

    so the input audio will video on canvas + microphone of current user.
  8. auronsan14

    how to input multiple audio source on canvas streaming?

    1) audio from multiple video source 2) audio from webcam user. we will add conference too. what's the best method to put all audio to startStream?
  9. auronsan14

    how to achieve CanvasStreaming to 1080p

    did it possible to use headless Chrome? to achieve it ?
  10. auronsan14

    how to achieve CanvasStreaming to 1080p

    how to transcode on canvas streaming as there no constrain video? just use api with stream name?
  11. auronsan14

    OBS to RTMP Flashphoner to push/startup failed

    okay thanks worked
  12. auronsan14

    how to achieve CanvasStreaming to 1080p

    currently we use canvas streaming const constraints = { audio: false, video: false, customStream: canvStream.current, }; session .createStream({ name: streamName, display: localVideo.current, constraints, cacheLocalResources: true...
  13. auronsan14

    OBS to RTMP Flashphoner to push/startup failed

    tested on demo page still same
  14. auronsan14

    OBS to RTMP Flashphoner to push/startup failed

    if use canvas streaming is working. but not rtmp oneexample I use canvas streaming [ { "appKey": "defaultApp", "sessionId": "sessionId", "mediaSessionId": "033b8970-5d90-11ec-bb0b-6bcbee2b0cc4", "name": "a049875b-9ab3-402d-a2cc-a2e04350ade0"...