Recent content by mikerugerio

  1. mikerugerio

    Disable demo user in script launch template AWS

    Everything has worked perfectly, now I want to secure my wss link so that if anyone copy link or iframe from my site it should not work directly.,Flash,MSE,WSPlayer How can I do it...
  2. mikerugerio

    Disable demo user in script launch template AWS

    It worked perfectly, thanks :)
  3. mikerugerio

    Disable demo user in script launch template AWS

    I removed demo user and I am tring to embed player in iframe but it redirecting to Login screen, then I disabled WCS web admin inteface in : http_enable_paths=rest,action,shared,embed_player,empty But it responding with: 404 The page you are looking for was not found...
  4. mikerugerio

    Disable demo user in script launch template AWS

    I want disable "demo" user in launch template (The setup script example to update WCS to latest build and to configure CDN Edge server). How can I modify the script?