Recent content by RapidID

  1. R

    ssl certificates conf

    Hi Flashphoner Support, I had to do for a few times now. Every 3 months, SSL expires, certbot does not automatically renew it for us and we get an error. Is possible to automate this at all? If yes, please advise on how to automate this.
  2. R

    Stream Recording not working

    Hi Max, We are using Flashphoner version 5.1.3417. Two Way Streaming does not work. We have tried restarting the same issue occurs. Ifconfig result: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 0a:64:b1:52:ac:e8 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr...
  3. R

    Stream Recording not working

    We are having issues using the stream recording feature of Flashphoner Webcall Server 5.1. When attempting to initiate a recording from the HTTPS Manager we get this error in flashphoner_manager.log except when checking the websocket ports nothing is bound to them: 04:59:37,765 INFO EchoApp -...
  4. R

    FAILED - Failed by ICE keep alive

    Hi Flashphoner, I am receiving errors trying to stream record (WCS now set up on AWS EC2 t2_small Ubuntu). After I have imported the certificate, I get the error attached saying "Failed by ICE keep alive". Could you please advise? Thank you.