Recent content by Tigran

  1. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    Hello Max. Hope you`re well. Stream starts, and during playing it gone black (safari ios-15). How can I fix this ?
  2. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    Hello Max. How are you? I`ve a question. Can I change connection url during playing stream without getting black screen ? Flashphoner.createSession({ urlServer: streamUrl })
  3. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    Thanks Max for answer ,but i want this` I want buffering for smooth video, because when my network is slower for 0.1-2.0 seconds, stream gets cutten. playoutDelay: 10 - works only for web, not for IOS.
  4. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    Hi Max. Hope you`re good. Witch property and where should I use or how can I set buffering for incoming stream, for example to have 2s difference between local stream and real ?
  5. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    I use React.js and here is my code. Please help if smth is wrong in my code. import Flashphoner from "@flashphoner/websdk/flashphoner.js"; FlashPhonePlayer() called in componentDidMount(document.load). FlashPhonePlayer = () => { let self = this; function init(){ try {...
  6. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    window.addEventListener(visibilityChange, function() { if (!document[visibilityHidden]) { if(STREAM_WEBRTC){ STREAM_WEBRTC.stop(); START_SESSION() } } }) I already have this part in my code, but its fires when there is browser...
  7. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    In this example there are several answers` window visibilitychange event window focus event window pageshow event 1.Here i can handle browser minimize/maximize event. 2.Here i can handle this event only clicking somewhere in browser. This event doesn't triggered onVisibilityChange event...
  8. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    Hi Max. I use below applications without camera or video-call, only text-chat, then return to my stream and its already black and not recovered. How can i handle this event to restart stream publishing ?
  9. T

    Stream black screen on safari mobile

    Hi. I am testing FlashPhoner stream on safari mobile. Everything is ok. When, during streaming on safari, i get phone call, stream video become black and not recovered. Or when I minimize browser, use Viber, WhatsApp or other applications, then maximize browser, stream screen is black and not...