Recent content by venkypokala

  1. venkypokala

    Android SDK Screen Sharing Support < 26 ?

    Good Day, Screen sharing can support below 26 ( android os)?
  2. venkypokala

    Android SDK SIP functions examples --> Android Phone - crashes happens

    As you mentioned, we tried in session disconnected in main activity onDestroy(). SIP call is disconnected. 1.Create session in main activity then it's move to service to store as static session. 2. Now we move to another activity. In main activity session disconnected onDestroy() call will...
  3. venkypokala

    Android SDK Support For Foreground Service????

    Hi, I have some question for Android SDK. we can't use in background for this sdk 1. Why Flashphoner.init(this); in activity, It's not Support Background like Whatsapp Audio call 2. Android Screen sharing is possible for one activity or entire mobile can share(like other apps)
  4. venkypokala

    Android SDK SIP functions examples --> Android Phone - crashes happens

    Hi Max, i sent example code archive. Please give us solution. we are start sip call in service then goes out side from our app then come back to our app then stop sip call in this scenario we getting error
  5. venkypokala

    Android SDK SIP functions examples --> Android Phone - crashes happens

    I have implemented in background service when start service function good. if i stop that service it will crashed every time. SDK : wcs-android-sdk- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered: org.webrtc.NetworkMonitorAutoDetect@817ea71 2020-06-21...
  6. venkypokala

    Android SDK 1.0 has problem when audio only streaming

    I am using Android SDK SIP functions examples -- Android Phone(wcs-android-sdk- it's not working in background service give me any suggestion. When stop the service we are getting crashes happend. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered...