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  1. B

    minimum duration time of an RTSP session

    it worked out. Thank you very much
  2. B

    minimum duration time of an RTSP session

    Hi, I need the RTSP connection signals that I open via the API (/rest-api/rtsp/startup) to stay open for at least 20 min even if no one is watching. I changed the with the following parameters: rtmp_activity_timer_cool_off_period=2 rtmp_activity_timer_timeout=600000...
  3. B

    "Unrecognized field \"uri\" (Class

    when calling the /rest-api/stream/snapshot endpoint I am getting the following error: "exception": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "reason": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException, Internal Server Error, Unrecognized field \"uri\" (Class...
  4. B

    Error: Invalid session state CONNECTED

    I did the test on the link and it returned diconnected as per the image sent. I monitored the flashphoner.log Following error: 04:02:55,778 ERROR RestClient - API-ASYNC-pool-13-thread-9 Got exception in REST org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('<' (code...
  5. B

    Error: Invalid session state CONNECTED

    I realized that I have a connection that I can't close. { "appKey": "defaultApp", "sessionId": "72a74862-4aa7-423f-ae47-5f8c353a92bd", "sipRegisterRequired": false, "sipLogin": "o0mj1pul960tu1785v7j3am9ba", "sipPort": 0, "width": 0...
  6. B

    Error: Invalid session state CONNECTED

    My script is no longer able to connect. I changed it to see the DISCONNECTED event and now it is falling inside DISCONNECTED. How do I fix this?
  7. B

    Error: Invalid session state CONNECTED

    I am facing the following error when trying to connect an rtsp signal as shown in the example Player flashphoner.js:9968 Uncaught Error: Invalid session state CONNECTED How can I fix this or if I really have a session connected, how can I use it? This error occurs because when opening...
  8. B

    Control when a stop sign

    I couldn't understand where I configure or create the endpoint that will receive the response so I can handle it. Ex. http://yourhost/rest-hooks/ Would it be standard, will it respond to the same domain/IP that I call the API that opens the signal? today I open using my MY_IP/rtsp/startup
  9. B

    Control when a stop sign

    Hello, but is there a webhook that informs me when these connections are dropped or do I need to make a loop to keep asking the API all the time?
  10. B

    Control when a stop sign

    Hello. How could I control to open several rtsp signals during a certain period and if any stops, do I need to register with a bank for notification control?