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  1. Max

    Problem with latest versions 1914 and 1920

    Good day. We raised the ticket WCS-4061 to perform load tests and try to reproduce the issue.
  2. Max

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    We raised the ticket WCS-4061 to perform load test and try to reproduce the issue.
  3. Max

    room module error

    Good day. Please check if the issue reproducing in the Conference example? If not, please modify the source code minimally to reproduce the issue and send us the code using this form.
  4. Max

    Ищем Android разработчика с опытом работы с Flashphoner

    Добрый день. Данный форум предназначен для технической поддержки продуктов Flashphoner. Используйте специально отведенные места для поиска сотрудников.
  5. Max

    Too many open websocket connections

    Hello We issued internal ticket WCS-4061 for load tests and investigation of reported issue. Please send us a report sudo /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/tools/ --sysinfo --conf --tar And zip server_logs/flashphoner.log and other hourly rotated logs related latest version. Based...
  6. Max

    frameDecoded writePixel yuv420 wrong colors

    Good day. Since WCS build 5.2.1914 we added the method Frame.rewriteData() to update frame data not by pixel, but as a solid byte array. This allows to use OpenCV RBG to YUV I420 convertion function and render its result properly. Please see the detailed example here: Decoded frames interception...
  7. Max

    Too many open websocket connections

    Sorry for inconvinience. There is no command line key --jstack because script collects jstack dump in any conditions. So you can call it like sudo /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/tools/ --sysinfo --conf --tar then send us the report archive
  8. Max

    Запуск стримов в h264 кодеке

    Здравствуйте. Вопрос про браузер Chrome под Android или про нативное приложение? Для Android SDK (нативное приложение) используем библиотеку libwebrtc, поэтому какая будет реализация кодека аппаратный или софтверный, определяет эта библиотека. Ожидаемое поведение такое: в приоритете...
  9. Max

    Too many open websocket connections

    jstack can be created manually. It is just a plain text file jstack 10634 > 10634.txt Here 10634 is example of server process PID Therefore we would need the report without jstack key and file 10634.txt
  10. Max

    Кодек WebRTC

    Здравствуйте. В конфиге Голосовой кодек G711A прописан как alaw Голосовой кодек G711U прописан как ulaw RFC2833 (не кодек, а тип тонового набора) прописан как telephone-event Поэтому добавлять в виде G711A его не нужно.
  11. Max

    Encrypted SSL

    You can use Nginx or Apache as a reverse proxy supporting encrypted private keys How it works: 1. You start Nginx (systemctl start nginx). 2. It prompts decryption password each launch. Decryption password is applied to your encrypted private key file...
  12. Max

    Too many open websocket connections

    Hello If REST API stops responding 1. Make sure jstack works. jstack PID > PID.txt Here PID is ID of server process, i.e. 10532 2. Create report with the --jstack key sudo /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/tools/ --sysinfo --conf --jstack --tar 3. Send report via form or to...
  13. Max

    Encrypted SSL

    Seems like keytool also can't import an encrypted SSL certificate. Perhaps you should decrypt it manually before importing. Please ask the certificate provider about decryption instructions.
  14. Max

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Yes. It should be enough. Please share your result file
  15. Max

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Regarding ZGC Do steps 4 and 5 from here
  16. Max

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Example /usr/java/jdk-14.0.1/bin/jstack 10663 > 10663.txt Here 10663 is example of server process id `pidof java`
  17. Max

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Did you configure ZGC in # ZGC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -Xms8g -Xmx8g See more:
  18. Max

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Hello 1. Make sure jstack utility is reachable and works: jstack PID > PID.txt Here PID - is a pid of WCS process 2. Make sure jmap utility is reachable jmap 3. If you encounter the issue again, please do the report sudo /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/tools/ --sysinfo...
  19. Max

    Unreponsive due to high CPU usage

    Good day. The default Java heap settings is for testing purposes only, they are not supposed to be used under high load. Perhaps you change it when moving the server to production. We can't set it automatically because use cases are different. Someone can deploy an additional software on the...
  20. Max

    Multi-stream recording issue

    We tested report sending via Report, it works now. This is an expected behavior: multiple recorder must be started and stopped by REST API because it never knows when a stream will be added or removed from it. You should review your backend flow to stop multirecorder when room is closed. We...