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  1. Max

    "Stopped by session disconnect"

    Good day. Seems like in external-bad.txt the camera closes the connection by some network reason. Please collect a report as described here, including client debug logs and traffic dump (mandatory): 1. Enable client debug logs client_log_level=debug 2. Restart WCS 3. Start a traffic dump...
  2. Max

    record problem question

    You can use MKV container for VP8 streams: MP4, WebM, MKV containers support. But browsers cannot play MKV directly. We checked jstack.log from previous reports and did not found any suspicious thread locks. If the problem occur again, it would be ideal to get SSH access to the server. Anyway...
  3. Max

    record problem question

    We fixed the report form, you can use it now.
  4. Max

    record problem question

    Temporary dir is not used when recording streams in VP8, WEBM files are recording directly to the record dir. So if it's not available recording file will not be created at all, and hook script will not be called. Please do not use a network drive as we recommended above.
  5. Max

    record problem question

    Your report contains no server configuration. Please collect it using script: Getting logs with script sudo ./ --sysinfo --conf --tar In the logs we see you're recording streams published via RoomApi in VP8 codec. In this case, WEBM container is used by default...
  6. Max

    record problem question

    Place the archive to a cloud drive (Google Drive, OneDrive, Yandex.Disk etc) and send the link using this form. If sending via form does not work, please send the link to with this topic URL in Subject field
  7. Max

    SIP video call from WCS can't hear audio of audio file was play from SIP server

    Good day. We fixed the issue in build 5.2.1755. Please update WCS and add the following settings: sip_force_tcp=true allow_outside_codecs=false generate_av_for_ua=all rtp_generator_start_timeout=100 periodic_fir_request=true periodic_fir_request_interval=2000 profiles=42e01f,640028
  8. Max

    record problem question

    Yes. In this case, there should be a message in server logs Problem to move file /tmp/stream-ca00d7d0-52c2-11ee-ba8e-e9beb144939a-94brlh973bo9nlpe228922hort.mp4 to /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/records/stream-ca00d7d0-52c2-11ee-ba8e-e9beb144939a-94brlh973bo9nlpe228922hort.mp4 and...
  9. Max

    record problem question

    Good day. WCS does not check any network conditions when writing stream recordings to disk. It even does not know what the disk is: hard drive or network mounted drive. Linux file system should care about it. So temporary files are always created in record_tmp_dir if the folder exists and...
  10. Max

    Video stopped by the browser

    Please provide a links to test. Please look at Player example using custom volume slider and Embed Player example using standard controls.
  11. Max

    Video stopped by the browser

    There is no a solution without a real user action. You can provide some landing page where user has to interact with your site or click something before playback.
  12. Max

    Video stopped by the browser

    This is autoplay policy issue. The user action is required to unmute video: click a button or move a volume slider. You can use the method Stream.unmuteRemoteAudio() when click event occurs. Also, in last Web SDK builds you can enable standard video controls using the stream option useControls...
  13. Max

    Video stopped by the browser

    Good day. This is Chrome autoplay policy issue. Video element should be muted to play video automatically. Please update Web SDK to the latest build 2.0.233 (or via NPM) and set the following stream option var options = { ..., unmutePlayOnStart: false }; var stream =...
  14. Max

    Need to change rtmp alias "live" to another

    Please open the file ~/.ssh/config: nano ~/.ssh/config and add the following to the file Host HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa This should fix the issue.
  15. Max

    Need to change rtmp alias "live" to another

    You should add an application per every alias: live, live2 etc.
  16. Max

    Need to change rtmp alias "live" to another

    Please replace alias in the command example to your own alias (flash if you need)
  17. Max

    Кодек WebRTC

    Пожалуйста, воспроизведите проблему и соберите отчет на стороне сервера, как описано здесь, включая дебаговые логи и дамп трафика: Формирование отладочных логов и дампа трафика. Используйте скрипт для упаковки отчета: Сбор отладочных логов при помощи скрипта Отправьте архив при помощи...
  18. Max

    Need to change rtmp alias "live" to another

    Good day. Please clarify: do you want to publish an RTMP stream to WCS using URL like rtmp://wcs:1935/alias/streamName? If yes, you should do the following: 1. Enter to WCS CLI: Using and accessing command line 2. Add a new server application to use for RTMP streams publishing: add app -m...
  19. Max

    Encrypted SSL Certificate file

    Hello When you upload SSL files, WCS does import these files into single file /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/wss.jks Even if you upload Encrypted SSL files, you would need to upload decryption password too. Therefore Upload works with un-ecnrypted SSL only. As you can see, there is no...
  20. Max

    Unable to see rtsp stream, but stream correctly open in vlc

    We can debug this, but we need an access to the camera to debug. If you cannot provide the access, please use the workaround.