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    Get Voice pitch in Video Conferencing

    Hi Max, I have successfully implemented Flashphoner sdk in my app and it's working excellent. Now, i want to add a new functionality in my app i.e. If there are 4 people in conference, person with high pitch (Sound) will be get highlighted or you can say, i want...
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    Gson Error

    Hello Max, We are trying to integrate the demo app in our project to test the functionality. We have included the .aar file in the project and build is successful. However on running the application there is error which is :- Error:Execution failed for task...
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    Unable to build sample android project

    When we run the following command: cd output gradle buildWe are getting following error in the terminal :- FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * Where: Build file '/home/techahead/Downloads/Flashphoner/wcs-android-sdk-samples-master/export/output/build.gradle' line: 3 * What went...