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  1. yogeshkahar

    how to showing show data with video streaming

    hello I am android developer. in my project I am using flashphoner sdk for live streaming. I am RND lots of but I am not find any solution about problem. my problem is - I am want to show some data with live streaming like data will be over the streaming and data will be send with streaming. can...
  2. yogeshkahar

    android SDK not build

    hello I run the project on my server so it is not connect and all time showing fail. server url - wss:// Connecting WebSocket to: ws:// but when we use demo server url - wss:// it working fine. can you tell me...
  3. yogeshkahar

    android SDK not build

    hello I want to call rest api in project using retrofit. when project run I am getting error. Duplicate class found in modules gson-2.8.5 ( and wcs-android-sdk- (wcs-android-sdk-
  4. yogeshkahar

    android SDK not build

    hello please give me proper documentation it documentation is not under by me.
  5. yogeshkahar

    android SDK not build

    hello I am download latest aar file and export it. then execute the but not create wcs-android-sdk-samples/export/output folder
  6. yogeshkahar

    android SDK not build

    hello yes Run the command but I got the error
  7. yogeshkahar

    android SDK not build

    hello first I am using git clone -b 1.1 It is build but when I run project it is show error how to run project.
  8. yogeshkahar

    android SDK not build

    hello I am yogesh kahar as android developer, I want to add flashphoner android sdk in my project but when I use GitHub clone URL and try to clone the project, it is not build and I am stacked so please provide proper documentation So I can read and follow the instruction and build project...