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  1. bb0707

    [Android] Room already has user with such login

    Hi team, Currently, when the network is down, I will disconnect by calling RoomManager.disconnect() private val networkCallback = object : ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() { override fun onAvailable(network: Network) { } override fun onLost(network: Network) {...
  2. bb0707

    [Android] Issue with Android Media Devices example.

    Hi Max, Thank you for the answer. I have another question. When the internet is down, why isn't SessionEvent.onDisconnection() triggered immediately? Here are my test steps: 1. Connect. 2. Publish. 3. Disconnect from the internet. 4. Wait ~10s. 5. Re-connect to the internet. 6. Wait ~60s...
  3. bb0707

    [Android] Issue with Android Media Devices example.

    Hi Max, Let me clear up my question. When I open the camera from another app, it takes control of the camera from my app. In this case, I see this method is called. Log: 2024-03-01 08:45:50.144 25958-26027 CameraCapturer com...oner.wcsexample.media_devices I Stop capture 2024-03-01...
  4. bb0707

    [Android] Issue with Android Media Devices example.

    Hi team, I have some issues with the Android Media Devices example. Issue #1: Steps: 1. Publish stream. 2. Play stream. 3. Open another camera app. 4. Open the example app again. Actual result: The local render view and remote render view are black. It looks like the camera has been stopped...
  5. bb0707

    [Android][SDK 1.1] Configure the audio source when share device screen.

    Hi @Max , Thank you for the information. Hopefully this ticket will be completed soon. I was stuck all week with it.
  6. bb0707

    [Android][SDK 1.1] Configure the audio source when share device screen.

    Hi Team, When using Android SDK 1.1 to share device screen, I want my app to be able to set up audio stream like the Twitch app. Currently, I can only publish device screen with audio from the microphone. So I have 2 questions: 1. How to stream with audio from both device and microphone? 2...