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  1. D

    Resume the Stream Automatically

    Hi Max, I made the changes you posted, but now it's not streaming. I've tried reverting the the file, but it still doesn't work. I've even reinstalled Web Call Server, but now I just get a "...took too long to respond" message. We just open the IP stream in an iframe, like this: <iframe...
  2. D

    Problem Starting Web Call Server

    Hello, When we tried to start the Web Call Server, we get the following error: 15:06:22,082 ERROR HikariPool - localhost-startStop-1 HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Database may be already in use...
  3. D

    Installation Errors

    Hello, We are trying install Web Call Server on a new Ubuntu machine. When I tried to run the installation script I get the following error: ERROR: The Java version should be 1.8 or higher But here is our Java version: java 11.0.1 2018-10-16 LTS Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build...
  4. D

    Resume the Stream Automatically

    Hi Max, Thank you for your reply, but which file do I modify and where can I find this file?
  5. D

    Resume the Stream Automatically

    Hello, We have Web Call Server running on a Ubuntu media server that streams live videos from an IP camera. Whenever the network connection is disconnected and reconnected, the video will turn to a dark screen with a play button in the middle. Is there a way to resume the stream automatically...