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  1. E

    How to delete my account?

    I contacted you twice in the past via the contact form but did not receive a reply, so I posted it here. I will resend it to your email address.
  2. E

    How to delete my account?

    I want to delete my account of this forum. I would prefer that my post be deleted, but I don't mind if it remains as I find it difficult. Regards -- As a side note, your email is blocked and I am not receiving it. postfix/smtpd[28222]: warning: hostname does not resolve to...
  3. E

    The audios through the mixer is out of sync (the gap gets progressively larger).

    I'll explain the situation first. - WCS 5.2.996, iOS SDK 2.6.48, Android SDK - Using RoomApi, mixer without MCU. Everything AUDIO only, VIDEO is off. - PublisherA publish stream which is added to OriginMixer, and play PublisherB using - PublisherB publish stream...
  4. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    I am so sorry, I said wrong information. I was also wrong about the results. My application also contains code that uses a mixer, and because of that I made a mistake. The mixer is not used in this issue. Again, I will explain the happens I confirmed. - WCS 5.2.996, iOS SDK 2.6.48, Android SDK...
  5. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    I'm sorry. There was something I forgot to tell you. That happens when three or more people are in a room. Here is what happens: 0. User1 calls (first time) publishStream.muteAudio() => publishStream.unmuteAudio(). So far, no problems. 1. User1 calls (second time) publishStream.muteAudio(). 2...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    I understand everything. Thank you for the reply. I will advise you on something related to this. I'm having a conversation with multiple people in RoomApp by doing Particiapnt->play() with each other (not using MCU). At that time, I am experiencing a phenomenon where if I do...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    I could not get your point a little. What will you do in WCS-3275? I feel "This implemented ... We will fix ..." means about Stream.getAudioState() and Stream.getVideoState() . It is great, but I have been explaining onStreamEvent is not called when subscriber connects to the stream in iOS...
  8. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    1. But I said the behavior "StreamEvent is not fired when subscriber connects to the stream." happens in the case of iOS, BUT NOT Android. How about do you think that point? 2. I haven't gotten to the point yet. Because of you said "onStreamEvent is called" many times, the conversation has...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    Additional Information for You. I tried wcs-android-sdk-samples/media-devices. (commit fd3946c4c196fbb7896aa96fc2788771b4bfc929 (HEAD -> 1.1, tag: 628b018, origin/HEAD, origin/1.1)) The result is that onStreamEvent is called after PLAY correctly:D. The 2 changes from original are here. ---...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    I know, I know, sure. But I said MediaDevicesSwift example: callback function: playStream?.onStreamEvent is NOT CALLED after tapping "PLAY". And you said MediaDevicesSwift example: callback function: playStream?.onStreamEvent is CALLED after tapping "PLAY". Why is it different? I just added...
  11. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    Just run it in Xcode, so you can test it right away. First, just show me the logs of Xcode console outputs. I am not talking about WebSocket signaling. As a matter of fact, it only asks if the callback function playStream?.onStreamEvent has been called or not. And you said "4...
  12. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    Is that really the MediaDevicesSwift example's logs??? It doesn't seem to be the Xcode's logs. Please show me the Xcode's logs if you write and test the following. // wcs-ios-sdk-samples/Swift/MediaDevices/ViewController.swift playStream?.onStreamEvent({streamEvent in +...
  13. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    The test result is same, sure. I know "we see Audio muted: true" as I said. But is playStream?.onStreamEvent called that time? I am in trouble because playStream?.onStreamEvent is not called for just PLAY, why don't you answer me if playStream?.onStreamEvent is called for? First, please check...
  14. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    Of course it have the same problem. Even if "PLAY" button tapped, playStream?.onStreamEvent is NOT called, same as Objective-C version. Have you done any testing in Media Devices Swift? Did you see playStream?.onStreamEvent being called when you tapped the "PLAY" button? YES or NOT? ---- You...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    Hi Max, How about this? Is not that because of onStreamEvent. It is because of the below, right? [_remoteStream on:kFPWCSStreamStatusPlaying callback:^(FPWCSApi2Stream *stream){ [self changeStreamStatus:stream]; [self onStarted]...
  16. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    I do not understand what you are saying. I tried the MediaDevices example. 1. [_remoteStream onStreamEvent:^(FPWCSApi2StreamEvent *streamEvent){ NSLog(@"No remote stream, %@", streamEvent.type); When onStreamEvent is called, the "No remote stream, ..." output should be shown. 2...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    I mean that retry using iOS SDK. Android SDK works fine. 1. publish stream on an origin server. 2. play stream using iOS SDK on an edge server. stream = session.createStream()...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    No, please retry play using iOS SDK. Please see updated <UPDATE> I am using RoomApp. If using RoomApp, also get StreamEvent(with Payload.streamName) right after status=PLAYING?
  19. E

    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    Yes, I can get mute/unmute status. No, StreamEvent is receiving only when publishStream.muteAudio()/publishStream.unmuteAudio(), not when <UPDATED>Now I have discovered. - NG: androidPublishStream.publish() / iosPlayStream.onStreamEvent().play() NOT get StreamEvent after...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    One more thing, session.getStreams() is also not available in Android SDK, right? iOS SDK can do it.