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  1. E

    How to delete my account?

    I want to delete my account of this forum. I would prefer that my post be deleted, but I don't mind if it remains as I find it difficult. Regards -- As a side note, your email is blocked and I am not receiving it. postfix/smtpd[28222]: warning: hostname does not resolve to...
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    The audios through the mixer is out of sync (the gap gets progressively larger).

    I'll explain the situation first. - WCS 5.2.996, iOS SDK 2.6.48, Android SDK - Using RoomApi, mixer without MCU. Everything AUDIO only, VIDEO is off. - PublisherA publish stream which is added to OriginMixer, and play PublisherB using - PublisherB publish stream...
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    RestClient logs too much and too few

    The outputs of RestClient too much. However, when the log level is set to WARN or higher, there are too few logs. Here is my suggestion. - "02:59:37,329 INFO RestClient - API-ASYNC-pool-13-thread-1 content -> ..." should be INFO as-is. - Both "02:59:37,329 INFO RestClient...
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    How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK?

    Good day. Receiving mixer incoming stream event How to get playload.streamName using Android SDK I can get it using iOS SDK 2.6.48.
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    iOS SDK 2.6.10 errors when build and AppStore upload

    I have 3 reports and 1 question. Could you please give me your opinion? 1. CFBundlePackageType is FMWK, not iOS, isn't it? I get a build error in NativeScript. This is how I did it in my...
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    Microphone Feedback in iOS device

    How about for iOS? I'm having trouble with acoustic feedback on iOS. How can I implement echo cancellation or how to reduce acoustic feedback?
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    How to show_nodes shows global IP

    As per the advice here, I specified the local IP of the origin to cdn_point_of_entry. Then /cdn/show_nodes outputs the local IP of the edge. (If specify the global IP of the origin to cdn_point_of_entry, then the edge IP is a global IP.) We need the global IP because we are calling...
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    How to download Android SDK without samples?

    I need only wcs-android-sdk- However, (from...
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    Android SDK 1.0 has problem when audio only streaming

    Hello. I have a problem using Android SDK 1.0. - related post: - WCS: 5.2.629-dd8778ba58690d19a44ed583cd116650fe511539 - Android SDK: wcs-android-sdk- PROBLEM...
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    FPWCSApi2Stream#play() causes the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription permission dialog to appear

    Hi. I'm using iOS SDK 2.5.2 // It is written in NativeScript(TypeScript), but it doesn't affect the nature of the problem. FPWCSApi2.createSessionError(sessionOptions) .onCallback(kFPWCSSessionStatus.Established, (session): void => { session.createStreamError(streamOptions).play(); })...
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    RoomApi does not make hasVideo false.

    - WCS: 5.2.591-54b0ff638d81e3e5350a066f8bf93652816868ac - wcs-android-sdk- I want to publish a stream of only audio in a room. But I can't make hasVideo false. options.setConstraints(new Constraints(true, false)); room.publish(null, options)...
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    Support Forums

    I got this error when I tried to register this forums account with Register faster using: Google. error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch The redirect URI in the request,, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the...
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    recorded mixer stream has wrong creation time in the metadata

    When, - WCS: 5.2.591-54b0ff638d81e3e5350a066f8bf93652816868ac - Add to record_mixer_streams = true - A client publish using Android-SDK-1.1's Room#publish() Then, the recorded .mp4 file has wrong creation time 2002-05-16T04:50:38.000000Z, today is Mon Apr 27...
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    iOS SDK 2.5.2:FPWCSApi2RoomManager.h has wrong interface

    In WCS-iOS-SDK-2.5.2/Headers/FPWCSApi2RoomManager.h // Wrong - (FPWCSApi2Room *)on:(kFPWCSRoomManagerEvent)event callback:(RoomManagerEventCallback)callback; // It should be - (FPWCSApi2RoomManager *)on:(kFPWCSRoomManagerEvent)event...