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  1. P

    WebRTC, WSPlayer automatic stop playing stream every minute

    Thank you Max, I've test playing in Android Google Chrome browser the video playing with sound properly. I'll collect the debug logs on chrome webview in my application to you for investigate after hour business hour (9-18 UTC+7)
  2. P

    WebRTC, WSPlayer automatic stop playing stream every minute

    Max, we've another question about your recommendation. We've change to WebRTC player as your recommendation, the video play without sound in Android device (Webview), but it's work fine in iOS device (Webview)
  3. P

    WebRTC, WSPlayer automatic stop playing stream every minute

    Max, thank you for quick response and good support We publish stream with resolution 640x480 to flashphoner server and the issue show for all players (we have around 200 players play in the working hour). For the provided log we are publishing high resolution RTMP stream for testing and logging...
  4. P

    WebRTC, WSPlayer automatic stop playing stream every minute

    I've the same issue, after try replay the stream in embed player for 10 times I've found that it's will play for 118-120 seconds and it's automatic stop by itself.