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  1. andrew.n

    RTCVideoTrack removeRenderer array crash

    @Max Fast fingers when using session.disconnect() if the user cancels the call right after the call initiated (during a pending state) Can you includea count verification before calling removeObjectsInRange ? This happens when I call the disconnect & close after receiving...
  2. andrew.n

    RTCMTLVideoView camera preview

    @Max is there an option to show the camera preview, before starting a stream? Right now I use another component for that but I have some issues for device rotation and I tough it will be easier to work only with a single RTCMTLVideoView during streaming but also before starting the stream.
  3. andrew.n

    Download SDKs buttons opens Atlassian page

    I want to check if there are new SDK versions available, and I do as usual: 1. Open: 2. Click on "Download iOS SDK" 3. Check the table with the SDKs versions etc.. But right now, when I click it redirects me to Atlassian page and asks me to login: Same...
  4. andrew.n

    App crash from SDK: com.flashphoner.FPWCSApi2SessionQueue FBSSerialQueue assertBarrierOnQueue

    @Max We had a crash from the SDK few days ago: Device information: Model:iPhone 14 Pro Max Orientation: Portrait RAM free: 156.61 MB Disk free: 137.65 GB Operating System Version:16.0.0 Orientation: Portrait Jailbroken:No Crash Date:Nov 17, 2022, 2:29:48 AM Crashlytics - Stack trace check...
  5. andrew.n

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    @Max regarding CallKit intergration on iOS, right now, after reporting the incoming call to CallKit SDK, we use the following setup: FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints(audio: true, videoWidth: videoWidth, videoHeight: videoHeight) and use broadcastURLStream?.muteVideo() method. After the user opens the...
  6. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max Everything works great with the SDK, and of course, new requests came up such as using filters during the live stream. I want to ask you if you had that kind of request before, or if there is another SDK to add over the current FlashPhoner SDK to handle this request. It will be useful if...
  7. andrew.n

    iOS SDK Project warnings displayed "arm64-apple-ios.swiftsourceinfo' is either malformed or generated ..."

    @Max I switched from manual integration to CocoaPods integration (2.6.97), and everything works like a charm. The single issue that I'm facing right now, is that XCode - Version 13.4.1 (13F100) - is showing 1 or sometimes 2 warnings after I build the project (build or build + run). Those...
  8. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max There is a compatibility issue with FlashPhoner SDK on M1 architecture. I still can run the project from Xcode on my iPhone, but if I try to run it on the simulator is not working anymore. (Everything works ok on my intel MacBook, the issue only happens on M1)...
  9. andrew.n

    FPWCSApi2Stream check if front or back camera is used (iOS)

    Before starting the stream, the user has the option to switch from front camera to back camera. The problem is that right now when we start the streaming if the preview (made custom by us) is for the back camera, the streaming will start by using the front camera. Right now, I didn't find a...
  10. andrew.n

    Setup SIP with FlashPhoner

    As I understood, FlashPhoner supports SIP. But as I see, I can setup SIP using FPWCSApi2SessionOptions But how can I setup the SIP connection with our server to receive incoming calls from our server, using FlashPhoner? It's required to...
  11. andrew.n

    Info.plist file issue for version 2.6.32

    @Max Hello, Today I wanted to update the app with the last FlashPhoner SDK version (2.6.32) but it looks like there is a , (comma) for CFBundleShortVersionString and CFBundleVersion - this caused an issue during the App store app uploading process. Also, the versions are the same as a previous...
  12. andrew.n

    Video freezes when moving the app to background

    There is a small issue that I have after I start the streaming, If I move the app to background, and open another app etc, when I open the app again, the streaming view is frozen. I tried to call muteVideo function on applicationWillResignActive, and call again unmuteVideo on...
  13. andrew.n

    Handling Deactivating an audio session that has running I/O.

    After we start broadcasting we have some events where we play some local audio files using an AVPlayer. The problem is that the OS is closing the audio session that is used by FlashPhoner SDK. debug logs: Deactivating an audio session that has running I/O. All I/O should be stopped or paused...
  14. andrew.n

    iOS 14 crash after calling play() for each streaming source

    The video call feature worked well on iOS 13.x.x. After I made the update to iOS 14 and start testing again the video call, in some cases, after I call the play() function for each streaming source the app crashes. It looks like it's an issue with the UI setup that is not performed on the main...
  15. andrew.n

    Swift Package Manager support

    Long story short, for more than 1 year ago, Apple released SPM as a replacement for CocoaPods and Carthage. The first issue is that if we use FlashPhoner in our app, we cannot enable SPM at all, because it requires the Build System option: "New Build System". FlashPhoner integration required...
  16. andrew.n

    Minimize the video call screen and display a floating RTCEAGLVideoView over other screens

    I want to minimize the video call screen and display a floating RTCEAGLVideoView (with the partner streaming data) over the screen that was before, so the user can scroll and see other conversations from the list (or navigate to other screens in the app), meanwhile, the video call should be...
  17. andrew.n

    Video distortion when changing RTCEAGLVideoView size

    I use 2 RTCEAGLVideoViews, one to play the remote link and one for broadcasting. When the streamers are ready, the delegate method - (void)videoView: (RTCEAGLVideoView *)videoView didChangeVideoSize: (CGSize)size; is called and I set the videoView.layer.frame properly. We have the following...
  18. andrew.n

    iOS RTCEAGLVideoView layout issues

    I saw in the demo projects that everything is added by code, no XIBs/Storyboards. I want to ask if there are some limitations to RTCEAGLVideoView and using auto layout. I placed one RTCEAGLVideoView full screen (top, leading, trailing, bottom, center X, center Y) constraints. When the stream...
  19. andrew.n

    iOS stream switch camera issue

    Context: Using two-way streaming service I have separated properties for sessions and streams private var playURLSession: FPWCSApi2Session? private var broadcastURLSession: FPWCSApi2Session? private var playURLStream: FPWCSApi2Stream? private var broadcastURLStream...
  20. andrew.n

    RTCEAGLVideoView aspect mode aspect fit (as we have for UIImageView)

    Context: I start the two-way streaming service by calling User B (iPhone) from User A (macOS - Chrome browser). On the iPhone, I display two RTCEAGLVideoView, one for broadcasting and one for playing remote streaming. The problem is that on my mac I start the call in landscape and on iPhone, I...