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  1. G

    RTSP is not working with my server but running with demo flashphoner server

    Hey Max, Thanks for the help! I want to know that I had stopped my instance on the weekend and started again today and then started my webcall server. So I can't reach to my web interface of login on the server at port# 8444
  2. G

    RTSP is not working with my server but running with demo flashphoner server

    Hey Max, Now I have tried to add ssl but unable to login with admin/admin credentials. Saying "Forbidden" whereas demo/demo is working but need admin login to update ssl. Please guide here too. Thanks in advance :)
  3. G

    RTSP is not working with my server but running with demo flashphoner server

    My RTSP streaming getting failed with my WebCallServer 5.2.970. But when I checked it with the demo server, it's working fine. I have filed the remote support form also. Please help? Server Details: EC2 Instance - c5.large OS - Ubuntu WebCallServer - 5.2.970