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  1. auronsan14

    youtube multistream

    seems youtube rejected the multistream I dont know why after 30 seconds got closed. but via obs work normal ``` { "mediaSessionId": "", "streamName": "rtmp_73fe7866-d8a3-47df-a998-db60945006fd", "rtmpUrl": "rtmp://", "rtmpFlashVersion"...
  2. auronsan14

    how to input multiple audio source on canvas streaming?

    1) audio from multiple video source 2) audio from webcam user. we will add conference too. what's the best method to put all audio to startStream?
  3. auronsan14

    how to achieve CanvasStreaming to 1080p

    currently we use canvas streaming const constraints = { audio: false, video: false, customStream: canvStream.current, }; session .createStream({ name: streamName, display: localVideo.current, constraints, cacheLocalResources: true...
  4. auronsan14

    OBS to RTMP Flashphoner to push/startup failed

    while publishing from obs failed when try add push startup with same name [ { "appKey": "flashStreamingApp", "sessionId": "", "mediaSessionId": "9a991c81-7b5f-4f51-aa5e-464f44e837c1", "name": "stream1", "published": true, "hasVideo": true...
  5. auronsan14

    No Updated Flasphoner for log4j?

    There is issue about log4j for zero day attack. when flashphoner plan for update this issue?