
  1. M

    Cannot separate Inbound and Outbound audio stream

    Hello! My Flashphoner starts simultansouly phone calls through Asterisk. (a prank call project where the user can enter and call a phone number, hearing the callee and playing pre-recorded audio clips to the callee). Technically Asterisk uses MeetMe and conferences to manage the calls and...
  2. P

    Asterisk with flashphoner simultaneous extention call not working and outbound call ring tone not playing

    Hello, We are using flashphoner with asterisk freepbx. We have two majer problem: 1. When extentions try to call eachother over flashphoner 2 or more simultaneous connection can't establish. Just one call can establish and others get not extention avaliable response. We tried similar scenario...
  3. KirillMosiyenko

    SIP Failed но клиент Esteblished

    Добрый день! Через SIP PHONE пытаюсь подключиться к СИП серверу Астериск. Пишет что подключение Esteblished но не работает. При звонке FAILED Данные для теста Sip login 101 и 103 PSW 12345
  4. T

    Stream is not playing

    While i am checking the stream I am getting the error like session is not initialized or terminated on play ordinary stream.