
  1. Dani

    unable to mux webm

    everything worked ok until Dec 5, then - whenever I try to mux the flashphoner output I get this error: ffmpeg -i sh.webm -itsoffset -0.05 -i sh_s.webm -r 30 test.mp4 ffmpeg version 3.4.9 Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 4.8.5 (GCC) 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)...
  2. McSeemZ

    проигрывание VOD для перекодированных ffmpeg файлов

    Добрый день, сможет ли кто-нибудь подсказать про перекодирование для VOD? После перекодирования файла через ffmpeg с указанием флагов -movflags faststart например, https://tex-statics-dev.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/video/Sample_MP4_Video_2.mp4 проигрывание VOD валится с ошибкой...
  3. ViktorShklyaruk

    ffmpeg: Как видео с rec.709 цвета поменять на rec.2100?

    У меня есть видео в rec.709 (это обычное SD-видео 1080p) Скриншот Original.jpg. В After Effect я могу выбрать рабочее пространство rec.2100 PQ, видеоизображение станет тусклым, скриншот 2100.jpg. Когда я сохраню его в ProRes, видео будет таким же тусклым, как мне нужно. Мне нужно сделать то же...
  4. Dani

    Record separately video stream and audio stream and mux them when playing

    Is is possible to record the video from one stream, the audio from a 2nd stream and mux them when I play ?
  5. J

    Republishing edited video stream

    I'm building an app to use webrtc to capture video from web browser, stream it as RTMP stream, edited the RTMP stream using ffmpeg then forward it to FB or Instagram. To add to above, I want to re-publish the edited video stream as a new RTMP stream...how do I do that in Flashphoner/webcallserver?
  6. Y

    How to stream you tube to flashphoner

    I want to stream from youtube account to flashphoner player using the web application. can provide me step by step procedure so I can integrate in my web application.
  7. V

    Issue in playing camera stream through RTMP encoder

    Hi, I have converted the rtsp stream of my IP camera to flashphoner rtmp encoder using FFmpeg. I am pushing the camera stream from my on premise server to WCS. FFMPEG can push the stream to RTMP endpoint. When I try to play the live stream from demo player. It shows status as "Playing" but...
  8. J

    Help with FFMPEG + streamer.py

    I read your article https://flashphoner.com/how-to-grab-a-video-from-youtube-and-share-it-via-webrtc-in-real-time/and when I ran the script I got the following error: $ sudo python streamer.py https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwLJ995H live rtmp:// ubuntu@tool:~/yt-live2nginx$ ffmpeg...