
  1. prateek_sharma

    Reference Error :browser is not defined

    sharbtn.onclick = startSharing(); function startSharing() { var session = Flashphoner.getSessions()[0]; var constraints = { video: {} }; = "screen"; = true; session.createStream({ name:"desktop"...
  2. Corrado

    Resize embedded player

    I am using an embedded player inside my webpage, i need to resize it when i toggle my function from pip to full screen, i have seen there is a resize function in the embedded player but i can't fire it when i put my iframe to full screen. I use CSS to resize iframe but video remains the size of...
  3. E

    Session is undefined - Two_way_streaming.js

    Hi, What can be the problem, that i get "session is undefined" in firefox, and some times in chrome. Some times visa/versa. I get this error: "Uncaught TypeError: session is undefined" The following line fails: var session = Flashphoner.getSessions()[0]; constraints = { audio...
  4. tyagi5011

    How to change default WSS adress in Webrtc as rtmp rebublishing

    I want to change the default wss address in webrtc as rtmp rebublishing because i installed the wcs on another server so i want that adress to be default I checked this method but it is not working. please help. function init_page() { $("#url").val("wss://wcs_address:8443")...