
  1. andrew.n

    Minimize the video call screen and display a floating RTCEAGLVideoView over other screens

    I want to minimize the video call screen and display a floating RTCEAGLVideoView (with the partner streaming data) over the screen that was before, so the user can scroll and see other conversations from the list (or navigate to other screens in the app), meanwhile, the video call should be...
  2. andrew.n

    RTCEAGLVideoView aspect mode aspect fit (as we have for UIImageView)

    Context: I start the two-way streaming service by calling User B (iPhone) from User A (macOS - Chrome browser). On the iPhone, I display two RTCEAGLVideoView, one for broadcasting and one for playing remote streaming. The problem is that on my mac I start the call in landscape and on iPhone, I...