
  1. A

    Внешний видеоисточник

    Использую бибилиотеку Banuba для наложения масок на лицо. Banuba умеет отдавать кадры. Вопрос. Могу ли я к Flashphoner прикрутить внешний источник по примеру как это делает Agora https://dev.to/ysc1995/build-a-streaming-application-with-face-filter-on-android-2fjm (раздел Push External Video...
  2. buzolive

    How to apply beauty and filter feature in live stream

    hello , i am developing a app where i integrated flashphoner ,now i need to apply beauty and filters on stream camera how can i do that ?. it can be done with flashphoner or by third party?. or is it possible to do please tell...
  3. G

    [URGENT] Support external camera

    Hi Flashphoner, I really like your sdk. Thanks for your solution! I have an app with custom camera implementation and I would like to use my camera as local source. What is the best way to connect my camera implementation with your sdk? Thanks in advance. Look forward to seeing your reply.