Mixer cancel loopback audio?!


We are trying to implement the following scenario:
1 presenter initiates a sceenshare + audio
4 other presenters join with audio only
several other people watch the single screenshare and listen to the 5 presenters

The obvious idea is to create a mixer and join all 5 streams to 1 and let the viewers playback the single stream. This works fine for the viewers.

The problem is that when the presenters connect to the mixer stream they will also hear themselves. So, how the presenters will listen to each other? Any idea how to tackle this?


Staff member
Good day.
You can playback non-mixed streams to all the presenters. Each presenter plays 4 streams from another presenters, so they can listen to each other, and they can see a screenshare. Mixer stream, in its turn, goes to the viewers.


Would you recommend to create 5 mixers for each presenter that will exclude the presenter who will playback it?
What is the CPU impact for generating a mixer?


Staff member
No, we don't recommend to use 5 mixers in your case. Playback of 4 streams on page is simpler to impelement and requires less CPU resources comparing to 5 mixers.
Mixer uses stream transcoding, so it can use one CPU core on stream.