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  1. G

    Error streaming in demo page

    Got it working by opening the ports :)
  2. G

    Error streaming in demo page

    Hi, I newly setup flashphoner 5.0.2556 and try to play with the demo page, but getting error "Failed by ICE timeout"? How should i resolve this? Thanks.
  3. G

    Stop/Close webcam and remove publish stream display with Stop button clicked

    Hi, Is there anyway to stop/close the webcam with stop button clicked? In the demo page, e.g. Streamer. Once in Publishing status, webcam will be activated and local video will be display the image. However, when stop button clicked, webcam still activated with image still display in local...
  4. G

    Streaming video quality

    The Host server (Window Server 2012 R2) was located in data center
  5. G

    Streaming video quality

    Hi Max, What you mean by "move your server to a DC"? Thanks.
  6. G

    Streaming video quality

    Thanks for the fast response, will try the suggested actions. :)
  7. G

    Streaming video quality

    Okay, will try to test with other network. Thanks.
  8. G

    Streaming video quality

    Hi, I already executed the update command, but it show me it's already latest version. >>> You have latest version: 5.0.2209 For the bitrate, can provide more information on how should i test it to find out the limit? Information requested already sent to Thanks.
  9. G

    Streaming video quality

    Hi, Tested with suggestion given, changed priority to VP8, server restarted, and play back quality set to 0. Video quality is better now, but still having some lagging when movement. Here is the chrome://webrtc-internals. Server info: Window Server 2012 R2 HyperV Virtual Machine 1 Core...
  10. G

    Streaming video quality

    Hi, Currently I'm trying to improve the streaming video quality (resolution, fps, bitrate), I tested the demo page media devices using Chrome with setting below: resolution: 1280 x 720 fps: 30 bitrate: 10Mbps and the streaming quality is quite okay. But when I test with my web call server with...
  11. G

    Create 2 new session in one Start button click

    Hi, Can we create 2 new session in the same time (with one Start button click) for WebRTC as RTMP and Stream Recording? How should we handle the front end display as I would like to only display one stream video? Assuming I only want to record the video at the backend for storage purpose. Thanks.
  12. G

    Streaming Recording recorded file download

    Hi, able to copy the file now, variable $FILE_NAME having value full path of the recorded file. working now with "cp $FILE_NAME /var/www/html/". Thanks.
  13. G

    Streaming Recording recorded file download

    Hi Max, Already tried to add in the copy command into, but not able get the file transfer to apache web server. "cp /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/records/$FILE_NAME /var/www/html/" Tested the command manually, it able to copy over the file. May I know how we know...
  14. G

    Streaming Recording recorded file download

    Thanks for the fast response. Will try on that.
  15. G

    Streaming Recording recorded file download

    Hi, I want to download the recorded file from server using javascript ajax call by url "https://host:8888/client/records/stream-xxxx.mp4". But it prompt error saying that "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.". Is there any setting for this? I noticed...
  16. G

    Web Call Server Play not working

    I am running demos after deploying the server on Ubuntu 16.04. In all demos, I'm having problem with the player. Example in Two-way Streaming, it able to establish connection with 'ESTABLISHED' displayed, and able to view the video in local window, but display 'FAILED' after clicked 'Play'...