
  1. P

    Failed by DTLS error

    Hello, I'm facing a rather weird situation of random "Failed by DTLS error" error. It happens from time to time and can't be tracked as to what's happening or what's wrong. I'm using WCS on a local network. First attachment is a successful stream publishing, second attachment - failed. The only...
  2. S

    Conference host and participant limitation

    Hi team, I have below query on conference section. 1) Is there any way to identify the conference host and participant (like, who is host of the conference and who are the participant of the conference). 2) We want to restrict the number participant to join the conference, for example we...
  3. S

    WCS 5.2.1431 Firefox 320x240 H264 stream not working

    Just updated WCS to 5.2.1431 and tested it with the demo tools. Using Firefox 105.0.2 tried the Two way streaming demo. It fails although without errors. Publishing seems to work, clicking on Available reports that the stream is indeed available, and it also said 'Playing', but no stream is...
  4. P

    Multiple IPs for multiple NICs

    Hello, does WCS support multiple IP addresses from multiple NICs along with multiple domains on a single VPS/VDS? At the moment anytime I upload an SSL certificate for a new domain - it overwrites the previous one. Thanks, P
  5. P

    WCS 1421 mixer terminate not working

    Howdy, for some reason when trying to terminate mixer on 1421, I get this weird error http://domain:8081/rest-api/mixer/startup { "localStreamName": "test2", "uri": "mixer://m_abc2" } http://domain:8081/rest-api/mixer/terminate { "uri": "mixer:///m_abc2" } And this is the...
  6. P

    Screen share video with mixer

    Hello, I'm facing a weird behaviour of mixer: when I'm publishing a WebSDK screen share stream I can view it in the player but when adding it to mixer - nothing shows up. Any clue as to why this is happening? I'm using a built-in mixer setup. Thanks, P
  7. P

    Некорректное воспроизведение в embed player

    После обновления до версии 5.2.1413 перестал нормально работать ember player. Стартует нормально, но после резвертки в полный экран видим только "черный квадрат", если вернуть в исходный размер, все так же черный квадрат, если после нажать стоп/старт начинает работать нормально и во фрейме и в...
  8. P

    Head tracking

    Hello, TikTok has got a Head Tracking functionality that allows for different 2d/3d visual affects. Can this be done with WCS SDKs? I know there is an option of displaying multiple videos with mixer as well as watermarks. How about tracking? Thanks, P
  9. sangsoo

    Problem when rotating the phone (90 degrees to the left) in Safari on iPhone (iOS16)

    Hello When the phone is rotated (left 90 degrees) in Safari on iPhone (iOS16), the phone cam looks distorted. A right 90 degree rotation is normal. - ----- My WCS Version info-----...
  10. ajayalag1974

    Stop inactive published RTMP streams which are auto published on demand using FFMpeg

    Hi, I have written my web server code which when user visits the streaming page checks if streaming exist by name via "/rest-api/stream/find", if not it publishes rtmp stream using ffmpeg command, command is executed via child_process spawn method in nodejs (ffmpeg -re -i...
  11. P

    stream/startRecording event

    Hello, any time a client SDK publishes a stream (regardless if it's recording to not) WCS raises an event - usually it's StreamStatusEvent. However, when issuing a record command for a stream using rest-api - no event occurs. How do I know when a recording command has been issued on a stream...
  12. L

    RTMP Pull video's Audio/Video breaking when added to mixer

    Hi After I pull an RTMP video from a Wowza server and add it to the mixer, the video and audio are breaking and they are almost unusable, is there anything specific I should do to make it work? The Wowza and the WCS servers are on the same network so latency should not be an issue. Here is a...
  13. wyvasi

    Issue with playback on edge server.

    Hello. I made some automated testes to run every few minutes to check if publish/play works. We have 3 origin and 3 edge servers. We are having some issues in NA zone where stream playback will have a chance of 1/10 to return FAILED without any extra info. This only happens on this 2 nodes...
  14. P

    Flash connection drop

    Hello, I'm facing a weird Flash behaviour when either trying to play a non-existent live stream or when playing a live stream and the stream ends. In both cases, the Flash rtmfp connection drops for no reason. I have followed the code for chat/streaming Flex apps. Here is the log I'm getting for...
  15. ajayalag1974

    Passing & Parsing URL Parameters when playing with LocalStreamName

    Hello, Thanks for great piece of software/service. I am having 2 issues. 1. How to pass parameters when playing streaming using LocalStreamName (pull rtmp with localstreamname), examples give on this link -...
  16. S

    Mirror effect on participant local media(CAMERA)

    Hi, Participant local video should be show on mirror effect is there any option from flashphoner side to active mirror effect?
  17. P

    Странное поведение сервиса webcallserver

    Стойкое ощущение что сервиса webcallserver пытается запустится дважды. Если смотреть "systemctl status webcallserver": ● webcallserver.service - Flashphoner WebCallServer Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/webcallserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result...
  18. KaranBhansali91

    Origin edge server setup

    Hi, As mentioned here have completed setup of origin edge server. Using the command ssh -p 2001 localhost or ssh -p 2001 admin@localhost on the edge server , it does not connect. The credentials are same as the web interface , correct ? Attached below screenshot
  19. C

    No free ports available

    Не могу запустить трансляцию упирается в ошибку "No free ports available", Сервер Centos 7
  20. Alesia

    Корректная настройка

    Добрый день, при большой нагрузке в аудио микшере есть задержка около 2-3 секунды (Мы поставили буферизацию в 700, чтобы избежать прерываний в звуке у пользователей с низким интернетом - это помогло, но 700 ms не равно 2-3 секунды). Еще периодически стрим аудио может просто "удалиться" из аудио...