web sdk

  1. D

    Problem Running Screen Sharing Example

    I am trying to run the screen-sharing demo locally on a Mac. For some reason, when I click the "connect" button, it doesn't do anything. But when running your demo, from your site, it does work. In the browser debugger, I see this: Which is here in screen-sharing.js: Why might this be...
  2. M

    WCS update while still using old client?

    Hello! I want to update my WCS from version 5.2.591 to 5.2.1031. The reason is that I also want to let it work on iPhones now since Apple implemented the necessary webview technics. My problem is that I have a very(!) adjusted JS client (version The worst case would be that I have...
  3. Sơn IT

    Change volume publish stream from app

    Hello. I have a question . my app can adjust the volume microphone when publishing the stream. If OK, then how ? Thanks
  4. S

    Embedding iframe player, audio-only mode available?

    Hello version: 5.2.944 I am using WebCallServer 5 (hosted on AWS) and want to embed the player via an iframe. As i sometimes have an audio-only stream, i would like to only show the controls and no video player. How is that possible (i was looking for a flag like "audio-only" to pass to the...
  5. S

    Change in updated flashphoner.js causes error

    Since implementing version 2.0.198 of the javascript Flashphoner Web SDK we received "Browser is not defined" javascript errors. It seems that pages/scripts based on this version need to have an extra declaration added to it : var Browser = Flashphoner.Browser; After that, scripts work again...
  6. S

    audio not working when using Safari and Web SDK (Firefox and Chrome are fine)

    Hello version: 5.2.944 WebSDK: 2.0.198 I am using WebCallServer 5 (hosted on AWS) to broadcast a stream to a webapp (Vue.js) using theWebSDK. I have the issue that in Safari (iPhone, iPad and MacBook) audio streaming doesn't work (there is just no audio). When using it together with a video...
  7. Divan

    SDK для desktop приложений

    Добрый день! Возможна ли работа SDK, API в десктопном приложении: Windows 10, Linux (ALT, Ubuntu), Mac Os X План разработки с применением библиотеки tkinter python3 и/или PySimpleGUI , kivy
  8. R

    Microphone increase volume

    How can I increase volume on the microphone using web sdk?
  9. R

    Zooming from web sdk

    Is there any api functionalities where I can zoom in and zoom out from the Web sdk? Something like this: const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: { zoom: true } });
  10. S

    WebSDK update from 2.0.171 to 2.0.180

    Hi, After updating of NPM package from 2.0.171 to 2.0.180 I have a strage errors that i dont have with 171 version. I use following syntax tu import the Flashphoner object : import Flashphoner from '@flashphoner/websdk'; Here a the errors from console : harmony module decorator:7 Uncaught...
  11. Alex966413

    Изменения в файле на стороне Флешфонера

    Можно ли внести изменения? Изменения нужны в этом файле: https://github.com/flashphoner/flashphoner_client/blob/wcs_api-2.0/src/room-module.js Метод ДО: //participant helpers function play(streamName) { return function (display) { var stream = session.createStream({name: streamName, display...
  12. Petr Dikiy

    Черный экран

    После включения камеры в консоли отображается камера - которая undefined, хотя есть доступная и она выводится перед запуском media devices. Такая ошибка воспроизводится даже если удалить все остальные виртуальные камеры в системе. Так же получаем черный экран без звука и видео или идет...
  13. prateek_sharma

    found Remote_cached video when stop the one stream and play other stream

    i am getting an duplicate div elements when try to stop one stream and playing other stream i attached the problem below
  14. J

    Fixing Video Frame Size in WebRTC

    I'm using the demo code from webrtc streaming example to build our streaming page, and I realized if I open the streaming page on mobile device, the capture window will appear in portrait mode. How do I fix the capture window in landscape mode and also the ratio aspect (eg: 16:9 with min width...
  15. S

    Adding watermark from client side

    Hi guys, we are trying to add custom watermark to our WebRTC stream by intercepting the stream and Flashphoner client library communication, can you please suggest me where I can intercept the stream and add the logo. our workflow should look like this WebRTC Stream -> Intercept Stream (Adding...
  16. A

    Используемая версия пакета uuid устарела и генерирует warning-и при установке пакета WebSDK

    Здравствуйте. При установке пакета WebSDK пакетный менеджер генерирует следующий warning: Используемая версия uuid 3.1.0 считается устаревшей (релиз был 16 июня 2017 года) и не рекомендуется к использованию, гайд по миграции на более свежие версии. Прошу обновить этот пакет в зависимостях...
  17. S

    Flashphoner WebSDK, auto reconnect (Vue.js webapp)

    Hello -Version: 5.2.780 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK is 2.0.170 I am building a vue.js webapp and was wondering, if there is the possibility in the websdk to specify that if the connection to the websocket is lost, an instant (infinite retry count, interval 10s) reconnect should be triggered (same...
  18. dex35

    Изменение качества картинки налету

    Здравствуйте. Подскажите пожалуйста, возможно ли изменение качества изображения или фреймрейта потока налету? Например, пользователь публикует поток с камеры и демонстрирует экран, при плохом соединении картинка демонстрации начинает искажаться, т.к. у нее выше разрешение (ограничено до full...
  19. S

    Flashphoner WebSDK timeout on connection issues (Vue.js webapp)

    Hello -Version: 5.2.780 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK is 2.0.165 I am building a vue.js webapp and want to generate error messages when trying to connect ty the streaming service in case its not available. I noticed that only after approx. 15-20 seconds i get the state back from the...
  20. Artem Shabanov

    Проблема с chat rooms

    Добрый день! Захотел добавить чат в проект на React, установил npm-пакет @flashphoner/websdk, скопировал в проект код из демо, но выдает ошибку