Recent content by farazahmed04

  1. F

    Not able to send stream from sip to wowza server

    We are connecting to audio bridge using SIP (Plivo) does this work with video only? our requirement is audio only
  2. F

    Not able to send stream from sip to wowza server

    Hi, i am able to connect to my sip successfully but the connection is not forwarded to rtmp i see no incoming stream T0aLz6Aw-Xke4kFG-Y5KbQTV4A-mNkS97z >>> rtmp:// . (Established)
  3. F

    SIP as RTMP Broadcasting Problem

    Hey Max, we are facing same issue we created ec2 instance where my sip phone is getting established but no stream on our wowza ...can u help me figure out how to change