Recent content by tobisaki

  1. T

    Какие порты нужно оставить открытыми, чтобы принудительно пустить webrtc via tcp?

    Спасибо, Маx -- Серверная среда -- Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Версия WCS 2267 Версия сервера TURN WCS и TURN - это один и тот же узел за NAT. -- Клиентская среда -- Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Firefox версии 55.0.2 Версия Chrome 60.0.3112.113
  2. T

    Какие порты нужно оставить открытыми, чтобы принудительно пустить webrtc via tcp?

    "iceTransportPolicy": "relay" Это будет корректно работать с Google Chrome Firefox дает следующую ошибку ICE failed, add a STUN server and see about:webrtc for more details Есть ли способ работать с firefox?
  3. T

    Какие порты нужно оставить открытыми, чтобы принудительно пустить webrtc via tcp?

    Если вы используете turnserver из Google является Flashphoner.createSession( { urlServer: url, mediaOptions: { "iceServers": [ { 'urls': ''} ] } } ).on(SESSION_STATUS.ESTABLISHED, function(session){ // any thing }); Есть ли у вас хорошо?
  4. T

    What are the port number for using webrtc.

    Thank you for helping alway. My wcs 5 is inside the firewall. Currently, streaming display is possible only with the iso browser. In order to use webrtc with other browsers, which port needs to be opened?
  5. T

    cpu usage

    Max san, thank you for detail infomation. so i could understand, and I felt more study is necessary, thank you so much. i have never heard of g.711
  6. T

    cpu usage

    Max san, anytime thank you for your help! i planed about 50 ip-cam and each cam have many viewer. testing h/w have 16gb memory. application is made node.js, it does not require much memory. What is the correct memory setting?
  7. T

    cpu usage

    thank you for your help. When i tried my application, that customized /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.0.2267/client2/examples/demo/streaming/player/player.html cpu usage max. and many messages written to gc-core.log whats wrong?
  8. T

    about wcs5 selecttnig interface.

    Wow! Thank you so mach, again I undertand.
  9. T

    Ignore OPTIONS in RTSP

    Thank you Max san! I understand.
  10. T

    about wcs5 selecttnig interface.

    thank you for your help. I trying rtsp conenction, using demo, player. rtsp server has tap0(vpn), it belong to the same network as wsc5 has. but, wsc5 use other interface to connect for rtsp-server. I will post the details next.
  11. T

    Ignore OPTIONS in RTSP

    thank you soo match! and sorry for the poor English.
  12. T

    Ignore OPTIONS in RTSP

    thank you for your help. before repairing the rtsp servers program, that respond status code 404. and wcs5 logged(/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/flashphoner_manager.log). "status" : "FAILED", "info" : "Failed to connect to rtsp stream", result, stream disapear from browser. but, i...
  13. T

    Ignore OPTIONS in RTSP

    i trying rtsp at demo player. rtsp server use, and ip-camera use OPTIONS request from wcs5, on the other hand response to below. Public: DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE, ANNOUNCE, RECORD not contain...
  14. T

    please, tell me how license required about our plan.

    wow the price is awsome too!