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  1. T

    Какие порты нужно оставить открытыми, чтобы принудительно пустить webrtc via tcp?

    Спасибо, Маx -- Серверная среда -- Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Версия WCS 2267 Версия сервера TURN WCS и TURN - это один и тот же узел за NAT. -- Клиентская среда -- Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Firefox версии 55.0.2 Версия Chrome 60.0.3112.113
  2. T

    Какие порты нужно оставить открытыми, чтобы принудительно пустить webrtc via tcp?

    "iceTransportPolicy": "relay" Это будет корректно работать с Google Chrome Firefox дает следующую ошибку ICE failed, add a STUN server and see about:webrtc for more details Есть ли способ работать с firefox?
  3. T

    Какие порты нужно оставить открытыми, чтобы принудительно пустить webrtc via tcp?

    Если вы используете turnserver из Google является Flashphoner.createSession( { urlServer: url, mediaOptions: { "iceServers": [ { 'urls': ''} ] } } ).on(SESSION_STATUS.ESTABLISHED, function(session){ // any thing }); Есть ли у вас хорошо?
  4. T

    What are the port number for using webrtc.

    Thank you for helping alway. My wcs 5 is inside the firewall. Currently, streaming display is possible only with the iso browser. In order to use webrtc with other browsers, which port needs to be opened?
  5. T

    cpu usage

    Max san, thank you for detail infomation. so i could understand, and I felt more study is necessary, thank you so much. i have never heard of g.711
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    cpu usage

    Max san, anytime thank you for your help! i planed about 50 ip-cam and each cam have many viewer. testing h/w have 16gb memory. application is made node.js, it does not require much memory. What is the correct memory setting?
  7. T

    cpu usage

    thank you for your help. When i tried my application, that customized /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.0.2267/client2/examples/demo/streaming/player/player.html cpu usage max. and many messages written to gc-core.log whats wrong?
  8. T

    about wcs5 selecttnig interface.

    Wow! Thank you so mach, again I undertand.
  9. T

    Ignore OPTIONS in RTSP

    Thank you Max san! I understand.
  10. T

    about wcs5 selecttnig interface.

    thank you for your help. I trying rtsp conenction, using demo, player. rtsp server has tap0(vpn), it belong to the same network as wsc5 has. but, wsc5 use other interface to connect for rtsp-server. I will post the details next.
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    Ignore OPTIONS in RTSP

    thank you soo match! and sorry for the poor English.
  12. T

    Ignore OPTIONS in RTSP

    thank you for your help. before repairing the rtsp servers program, that respond status code 404. and wcs5 logged(/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/flashphoner_manager.log). "status" : "FAILED", "info" : "Failed to connect to rtsp stream", result, stream disapear from browser. but, i...
  13. T

    Ignore OPTIONS in RTSP

    i trying rtsp at demo player. rtsp server use, and ip-camera use OPTIONS request from wcs5, on the other hand response to below. Public: DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE, ANNOUNCE, RECORD not contain...
  14. T

    please, tell me how license required about our plan.

    wow the price is awsome too!
  15. T

    please, tell me how license required about our plan.

    plan will replay to next post figure. that plannded(makeing) system require extremely low delay. most of tried server application were unable to satisfy the condition. but, wsc5 has awsomw result. (I felt less delay than vlc) It would be better if we could develop it with nodejs.
  16. T

    can not connect wss:xx.xx.xx.xx:8443

    thank you for your help. I found another problem not a network. ip-cam software is not compliant RFC2326. I fixed it slightly, but maybe there are still a lot of problems. by the way, can I ask questions of licenses here?
  17. T

    can not connect wss:xx.xx.xx.xx:8443

    thank you so match for your help. now, ip-cam use wifi at router it provided from ips(so-net nuro). anyway, problem is network, maybe. i try to test, variously another environment. and i restore setting outer access. last say more once, thank you.
  18. T

    can not connect wss:xx.xx.xx.xx:8443

    Thank you for your help. now i set my router for dzm, all outer access to ip-cam. can you connect? please try.