Stream Failed after one minute on MAC Chroom or Firefox


Staff member
Looks like some temporary issue with connections to Facebook. Has successfully published WebRTC as RTMP to Facebook on your WCS using macOS Firefox. Please recheck.


Staff member
After our tests, there was only one other stream published and it didn’t fail but was stopped by publisher.
Checked again and successfully streamed WebRTC as RTMP to Facebook on your WCS using macOS Firefox for 15 minutes.
Please recheck to confirm if the issue is still reproducible.
Hello @Max

We have tested and noted that after 45 min stream has automatically failed.
Please see below screen shoot you can see failed status in console.

sometimes stream failed after 2 min sometimes 25 min sometimes 1 hour

One more thing we have noted when we are publishing one stream to Facebook on one browser and we try to publish to Facebook from other browser using another webcam or from other pc its failed it seems we can publish only one stream at a time. we are using simple monthly $75 subscription plan.
Our use case is that any number of users can publish their stream to Facebook at the same time.



Staff member

1. There are some "Failed by ICE keep alive" streams.
Connection to WebRTC publisher may be closed if there were no STUN packets in timeout specified by stun_freshness_timeout property (it is 15000 - 15 seconds - by default).
Try adding
Also, verify that that there are no block add-ons in WebRTC publisher's browser.

2. Please confirm if you sometimes end live video in Facebook before unpublishing stream on WCS.
Did you stream with already used stream key when previous live video session had not been ended in Facebook?

3. There are some "Stream name is already in use" in today's logs. Stream name must be unique - so, only one publisher can use a specific Facebook live stream key.
Do you use only one Facebook account for the tests?

4. There also appeared an issue which is currently under investigation: Stun receiver Incoming buffer exhausted.

Consider trying latest 5.1 version. It can be done without removing or updating the 5.0, so that you could switch back to 5.0 in case of issues with 5.1.
Hello @Max

We have added stun_freshness_timeout=1000000000 in and restarted the webcallserver
But issue remains same stream failed after 4 min please see below screen shoot

we are using latest version 5.0.3514 please help us this is very serious issue.

Also you have not replied our second question, i am pasting it here again.

We have noted when we are publishing one stream to Facebook on one browser and try to publish to Facebook from other browser using another webcam or from other pc its failed it seems we can publish only one stream at a time. we are using simple monthly $75 subscription plan.
Our use case is that any number of users can publish their stream to Facebook at the same time.
is simple monthly $75 subscription plan can only publish one stream at a time and to full fill our use case we need to upgrade to simple standalone license $1995 per server?



Staff member

This time WebRTC publisher's WebSocket connection was closed when ping/pong keep-alive timeout expired.
Try increasing keep-alive interval or number of ping/pong probes. E.g., change keep_alive.probes value in WCS_HOME/conf/
Also, for further tests, please add
to WCS_HOME/conf/
Restart the WCS to apply the settings.

There is no specific limit on the number of streams under Simple License. Have successfully published 2 streams simultaneously on your server. From the logs, last week you tried to use the same stream name for more than one publisher. Stream name must be unique.
More than one stream can be published to Facebook even under the same Facebook account but the streams should have different names (Facebook live stream keys).


Staff member

In today's and yesterday's logs, streams were stopped by publisher, and there were no previous issues.
In logs from Oct 10, streams on WCS were being unpublished because of unpublish command from Facebook side.
WebRTC publisher's status would be FAILED in the case - "Failed by RTMP writer error" - because RTMP streaming is stopped, and the unpublishing is done not by the publisher but from the RTMP server (Facebook).
Try to monitor if live video is sometimes ended from Facebook in your tests.