we are using WebRTC Streaming URL
start stream using API (rest-api/vod/startup)
parameters : {"uri":"vod-live://bg.mp4","localStreamName": "stream1","loop": true}
we are injecting VOD file periodically using API (rest-api/stream/inject2/startup)
Parameters : {"localStreamName":"stream1","remoteStreamName":"vod-live://bs.mp4","video":true,"audio":true}
Added static image video as background with loop while start stream
case 1 : inject 5 sec. video at 8th second when video end at 13th second you can see blank screen no background video appearing till 4 to 5 seconds.
case 2 : inject video at 23rd second, video was playing and at 27th second inject another video entire stream gets blink.
please check attached video,