Search results

  1. P

    Flash connection drop

    Hello, I'm facing a weird Flash behaviour when either trying to play a non-existent live stream or when playing a live stream and the stream ends. In both cases, the Flash rtmfp connection drops for no reason. I have followed the code for chat/streaming Flex apps. Here is the log I'm getting for...
  2. P

    Android SDK RTMP republish

    Hello, we are using Android SDK and are experiencing a problem where WCS 5.2.1279 wouldn't republish video with RTMP - only audio gets restreamed and with a significant delay - around 15 seconds. We also tried doing this using WebSDK - works fine. Thanks, P
  3. P

    Android SDK setResolution

    Howdy, I'm facing a weird behaviour when recording a stream with Android SDK No matter what i try to set resolution for constraints - I'm always getting a recorded file that is 480x640. I used to get lower resolutions too, e.g. 384x384, 288x352, 144x175 but never anything higher than...
  4. P

    VOD seek

    Howdy, as far as I understand, the VOD service merely starts a live stream on a file - so that the client plays/subscribes to a recorded stream that is streamed as live. - Is that correct? If it's correct - how do I seek for a recorded file player with VOD? VOD merely starts a stream from the...
  5. P

    Recorded file transcoder

    Howdy, I was curious if WCS can be used for recorded files transcoding. For example, on some Android devices, files are stored as VP8/webm. We would like to transcode those files to H264/AAC. Is this possible with WCS or should we go with ffmpeg? Thanks, P
  6. P

    Always record in mp4

    Howdy, currently, when doing tests with all sorts of SDKs, we have noticed that JS/iOS SDKs record video in mp4 format. However, Android SDK records in webm. Can make sure Android records in mp4 too? We tried to strip codecs, when we strip vp8 - the video is recorded in flv. When we strip vp8...
  7. P

    REST-API Authorization

    Howdy, on this page it is described how to turn on authorisation for rest apis. I was searching but couldn't find an example on how to use "authorised" rest api calls. Without any params I'm getting...
  8. P

    Multi-platform text chat and video publishing/playback

    Hello, recent update to WCS doesn't feature Flash anymore. Our project is to stream video/audio as publish/playback and create a text chat on Flash, Android, iOS, and JavaScript. I'm curious if this is possible to mix these four platforms in one app Thanks, P
  9. P

    JS muteVideo on Safari

    Hello, 1. on Monterey Safari 15.1 MacBook Pro the muteVideo command crashes the browser. This happens only when there is a single built-in FaceTime camera. If we add a second camera (USB) - no crash occurs. Other browsers don't crash with single/multiple cameras (Chrome, Opera, FF, Edge). 2. On...
  10. P

    Поддержка RTMPS

    Здравствуйте, с точки зрения клиентского соединения, есть ли поддержка RTMPS? Все примеры на Flash/Flex используют только RTMP.
  11. P

    SurfaceViewRenderer on Android

    Hello, I have an issue playing back a video stream on Android. Apart from the roomApi functionality, the only successful way of playing back video content was by providing a surface renderer to a Session object. This works fine. However, this limits us to playing back only one video stream per...
  12. P

    loudSpeakerStatus on Android

    Hello, on iOS there is a "Stream" method called "loudSpeakerStatus" that allows you to direct playback output to either speakers or phone. Is there such a method for Android?
  13. P

    SessionOptions for Android

    Hello, 1. on iOS, "FPWCSApi2SessionOptions" class offers "urlServer", "appKey", and "custom" parameters. 2. on Android, only "urlServer" and "renderers" are available. How about "appKey" and "custom"? 3. on Web, there is an "appKey" & "custom" fields available. "custom" field is important for...
  14. P

    /data/send room not found

    Hello, when using a built-in roomApp (http://localhost:8081/apps/RoomApp) sending messages using the provided FPWCSApi2RoomManager class works just fine (onMessageCallback is invoked on the appropriate client/participant). However, when making a rest call using the following...
  15. P

    SharedObject support

    Hello, FMS/Wowza/etc have a built-in SharedObject functionality to exchange data. Does WCS have a similar model?
  16. P

    FPWCSApi2RoomManager vs FPWCSApi2Session & VoD

    Hello, at the moment I have seen two basic ways of establishing a connection to the server using either FPWCSApi2RoomManager or FPWCSApi2Session. Each method offers different functionality on how to play a live stream. How about VoD? Can FPWCSApi2RoomManager play a VoD file? If not, can I...
  17. P


    Hello, there are examples on how to play VOD content through iOS/Android/Web platforms. Is VOD HLS supported?
  18. P

    Mute playback stream

    Hello, when playing back a stream we may mute video by merely hiding it. How do we mute audio on a playback stream?
  19. P

    RTMP connect failure

    Hello, I face a strange problem of connecting a third-party library to WCS. Below are connection log samples of iOS, OBS, and Android. The latter doesn't connect although there is no info on what the problem is. Wondering if here I'm able to find an answer. OBS 02:50:53,322 INFO ServerHandler...
  20. P

    iOS memory leak

    I face a weird memory problem when starting/stopping publishing. Every time when i flip the camera, I reinit constraints with appropriate "setDeviceID" value. When not publishing, this reinit works as expected, but as soon as "RTCEAGLVideoView" is used in a "FPWCSApi2Stream", the...