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  1. Max

    Unable to stream video from Pelco VideoXpert VMS

    Good day. We successfully accessed the camera and confirm the issue. We raised the ticket WCS-2713 to fix it.
  2. Max

    Issue in playing camera stream through RTMP encoder

    Try "test" in the Stream field. Not full RTMP URL. You can also try to publish to our demo server rtmp:// and play on our demo page
  3. Max

    AWS market place deployed demo not working.

    This looks like "step 6" Make sure ports in range UDP [30000-33000] are open.
  4. Max

    Issue in playing camera stream through RTMP encoder

    Could you try ffmpeg command as per docs ffmpeg -re -i rtsp://root:FIRSTPort@ -preset ultrafast -acodec aac -vcodec h264 -strict -2 -f flv rtmp://
  5. Max

    AWS market place deployed demo not working.

    License key activation is not actual for latest AWS images. The license is built-in. So you don't need to enter the license manually. We'll remove section 11 from docs. Yes you can change the password over SSH. 1. Edit file /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/database.yml 2. Replace...
  6. Max

    AWS market place deployed demo not working.

    This is how you can get the instance ID wget -q -O - Example of instance ID: i-0702ed80da66e2f31c1
  7. Max

    AWS market place deployed demo not working.

    Please read AWS Marketplace instruction You have to use Amazon Instance ID as password. Login: admin Password: {Your Amazon Instance ID}
  8. Max

    FPWCSApi2Stream#play() causes the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription permission dialog to appear

    In this case, you should use two separate applications for publishing and playback: - the publishing app must add NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key to Info.plist as Apple requires - the playback app should not add this key, and microphone access will not be requested Anyway, FPWCSApi2 does not...
  9. Max

    При проверке микрофона, если его нет, скрипт падает с ошибкой

    Да, ограничения указываются при вызове createStream, например session.createStream({name:"stream1", constraints:{audio:false, video:true}}).publish(); Но этот способ и не поможет, если в системе нет ни микрофона, ни камеры (мы воспроизвели проблему только для такого случая), в этом случае...
  10. Max

    /data/send room not found

    RoomApi is intended to message exchange between clients (text chat), without injections from server with REST API. Please also note that embedded WCS backend server may lack of perfomance if many participants will connect to one room simultaneously (for example, 700 subscribers per one podcast)...
  11. Max

    /data/send room not found

    Look like you're trying to mix RoomApi with custom backend. This will not work properly. Please try to use pure FPWCSApi2Session::sendData() on client side to send data to server and /OnDataEvent REST hook with /data/send REST API on backend side to send data to clients. In this case, you can...
  12. Max

    Failed by DTLS error

    We checked your logs. Seems like you've set DTLS 1.0 explicitly for Android devices. Please remove dtls0_ua file or rename backup: mv -f dtls0_ua_bkp dtls0_ua then restart server.
  13. Max

    Web SDK Snapshot issue

    We reproduced the issue with previous snapshot return and raised the ticket WCS-2709 to fix it. We'll let you know in this topic.
  14. Max

    /data/send room not found

    Good day. Try to send payload as follows: "roomConfig": { "name": "room1" }, "to": "clientName", "text": "hello"
  15. Max

    При проверке микрофона, если его нет, скрипт падает с ошибкой

    Добрый день. Мы воспроизвели проблем в примере Media Devices, при условии, что на ПК отсутствует также и камера. Создан тикет WCS-2708, о результатах сообщим здесь. Как временное решение, можно отключать видео/аудио через constraints, например constraints {video: true, audio: false} в этом...
  16. Max

    Обрыв соединения при трансляции содержимого канвы

    Добрый день. Скорее всего, да, поток завершается по отсутствию активности. Это можно проверить, в логах должны быть записи вида Failed by RTP activity В этом случае поможет отключение контроля активности медиапотока либо настройкой rtp_activity_detecting=false,60 либо в последних сборках...
  17. Max

    WebRTC stream not publishing in Firefox

    When WebRTC connection is establishing, on ICE stage, a server sends to client SDP with addresses and media ports to connect (candidates). By default, only external IP is added to SDP candidates list. Firefox probably is more strictly than Chrome, and requires to add local IP to candidates too.
  18. Max

    Failed by DTLS error

    Please try to use another network from mobile device (Wi-Fi instead of 3G), preferably the same network as desktop from which publishing works. If switching to another network does not help please collect a report as described here including traffic dump on server side, then send it to...
  19. Max

    Web SDK Snapshot issue

    Please add the following setting streaming_video_decoder_fast_start=true In this case, every published stream will be decoded on server, and snapshot decoder will start much faster. No need to reduce keyframe interval, 5 second default will be enough.
  20. Max

    Как выключить камеру?

    Добрый день. Используйте следующую функцию WebSDK: Flashphoner.releaseLocalMedia(localVideo); Эта функция фактически дает удобную обертку над остановкой отдельных треков.