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  1. R

    Auto start webcam on page load

    SOLVED: <script type="text/javascript"> time = 15, interval = setInterval(function() { time--; document.getElementById('Label1').innerHTML = "Auto Start: " + time + "" if (time == 0) { document.getElementById("Label1").style.display = "none"; // stop timer...
  2. R

    Mixer Layout

    Hello! We read to attempt a change into mixer layout grid. To be honest, no way to understand that file in JAVA. There is a file or a way to do: Webcams are located in the left size (3 webcams one up each other - 1 colum) and desktop...
  3. R

    Auto start webcam on page load

    Hello! how to automatic start webcam capture on page load without the Start btn? We have attempt many ways like <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#publishBtn").trigger('click'); }); </script> Without succcess. Thanks!
  4. R

    MIXER - Change background

    I have submitted the report. Also, reading logs i found this: 11:10:22,616 INFO RtpAudioStreamer - MIXER-AGENT-mixer://mixervmixdr2-5bd5f301-b417-4091-893a-ca6d1324c08c COUNT_RFC2833_PACKETS: 11 11:10:22,617 INFO RtpVideoConfig -...
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    Remote MUTE Audio & Video

    Hello! Is possible to remove mute and unmute audio / video?
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    MIXER - Change background

    We are forced to return back to 5.2.576. The same API settings not work. We are unable to create a mixer by API.
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    MIXER - Change background

    Mixer do not start by API. Return 200 code but mixer not go up.
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    Automatic Record Desktop Sharing

    RESOLVED: session.createStream({ name: streamName, display: localVideo, record: true, constraints: constraints }).on(STREAM_STATUS.PUBLISHING, function(publishStream){.....
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    Automatic Record Desktop Sharing

    Hello! How to implement automatic record from Desktop Sharing?
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    Mixer Reset - API

    Hello! Its possible to RESET mixer inputs without OFF / ON by API? I mean a command that remove all input streams from mixer at same time. Thanks, Rafael
  11. R

    MIXER - Change background

    Thanks a lot! We will test it asap.
  12. R

    Too many open files

    09:26:26,904 WARN erSocketPipelineSink - WS-BOSS-pool-18-thread-1 Failed to accept a connection. Too many open files
  13. R

    How to start player muted

    Hello! We have a specific behavior where is necessary start the player always muted. How to do it? Something like autoplay .. automute = true?
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    Automatic Record RTMP streams

    Hello! There is an way to automatic recorder all rtmp input streams without use API?
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    Server error: Stream already exists.

    How to enable RTP activity detection?
  16. R

    Server error: Stream already exists.

    Hello! When we lost connection to server, we got this message and needs a server restart to get connected again to publish RTMP. Stream #0:1: Audio: pcm_s16le, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 1536 kb/s [tcp @ 02d2bd80] TCP Buffer has been set to 1683456 bytes [rtmp @ 08a99b40] Server error: Stream...
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    WebRTC - Echo Cancellation

    Hello! Is there any settings related to echo cancellation on webrtc streamings?
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    MIXER - Change background

    Hello! Its possible to add a JPEG to mixer background? If not possible, is possible to change background color from mixer not black to transparent?
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    Increase video quality

    Hello! We are using H.264 codec profile (baseline). Is there any other settings or profiles to be created or adjusted to increase video quality? Thanks, Rafael
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    Camera on MAC - Safari

    Works! Thank you.