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  1. KaranBhansali91

    HLS stream playback not working

    Hi, It is working now , the port was not open at our end. thanks
  2. KaranBhansali91

    HLS stream playback not working

    Hi, 1. Publish stream1 as WebRTC 2. Push WebRTC as RTMP stream to the studiowss.*****.com using /push/startup as rtmp://***:1935/live/stream2 data: { rtmpUrl, streamName, "keyFrameInterval": 2, "rtmpTransponderFullUrl": true...
  3. KaranBhansali91

    HLS stream playback not working

    Hi, We have implmeneted webrtc as rtmp republishing , using https://studiowss.********.com:8444/rest-api/hls/startup created hls stream , but the stream is not playing in the hls js player demo page in flashphoner
  4. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Can we publish the two different canvas stream to different flashphoner instance ? this is the link for instagram recommended resolution
  5. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Hi, it does not show video
  6. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    following are the parameters data: { rtmpUrl, streamName, "width": "720", "height": "1280", "fps": "30", "keyFrameInterval": 60...
  7. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Added the property in file, still the output is showing blank video on instagram
  8. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Yes , in the push/startup api , passing the width : 720 and height : 1280
  9. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Hi, The steps are as follows 1. two servers: First (treamingwss.***.com) and Second (streaminginstawss.***.com) 2. publish "stream1" to the First server. 1280 * 720 (resolution) 3. pull "stream1" from First server to the Second server keeping the name of pulled stream as "stream1". 4. Then...
  10. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Hi, Using the /pull/pull and /push/startup rest-api, the webrtc stream from one flashphoner server to another flashphoner server is working fine on the localhost. When the application is deployed on the aws ec2 instance , we are able to see black video on instagram. The stream is published to...
  11. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Hi, Currently we are publishing webcam to wss:// , the same stream how to publish or pull to another server wss:// , can we use /pull/pull or /pull/push rest api ?
  12. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Hi, SSH details submitted
  13. KaranBhansali91

    Setup two new servers, wss connection is failed

    Hi, We have setup two server mapped domain and uploaded ssl certificate. Can you please check why wss connection is failed. Does 5.2.1261 version support transcoding service ? Regards, Karan Bhansali
  14. KaranBhansali91

    Concurrent connection capacity when using webrtc as rtmp republishing.

    Hi, We have setup server with configuration m5.2xlarge with flashphoner version 5.2.1261, how much concurrent connection the server handle ? We are publishing at 720p30. Regards, Karan Bhansali
  15. KaranBhansali91

    RTMP pull link queries

    Hi, Can it work with ?
  16. KaranBhansali91

    RTMP pull link queries

    Hi, The current version 5.2.1261 of flashphoner supports webrtc as rtmp republishing, conference and conference recording. Does it support rtmp pull link ? Can we terminate rtmp pull link ? Can we create multiple pull link and can we create pull links upto 10?
  17. KaranBhansali91

    Web interface not accessible after updating

    Hi, Certificates are uploaded successfully. Still it shows not secure.
  18. KaranBhansali91

    Web interface not accessible after updating

    Hi , , we have ca_bundle.crt , certificate.crt and private.key , which files needs to be uploaded, can you share the steps to convert .key to .pem ?
  19. KaranBhansali91

    Web interface not accessible after updating

    Hi, is not accessible , how to check it is working using command line?