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  1. V

    Issue in playing camera stream through RTMP encoder

    Thanks for the update on the resolution. Is there a way to move the position to live stream. For example, a button (Go live), clicking on which it will go the live. Is it possible to show the full screen in the popup(lightbox without play/pause icon)
  2. V

    Issue in playing camera stream through RTMP encoder

    Hi Max, Giving only the stream name worked for me. But I am facing 5 seconds delay in the playback. I have my WCS server in the AWS us-east-2 region. Is it possible to reduce the delay. Let me know what kind of information you need for that.
  3. V

    Issue in playing camera stream through RTMP encoder

    Hi The ffmpeg command doesn't play the camera stream.The player status is playing but no stream in it. Flashphoner logs: While running the FFmpeg command I am getting this
  4. V

    Issue in playing camera stream through RTMP encoder

    Hi, I have converted the rtsp stream of my IP camera to flashphoner rtmp encoder using FFmpeg. I am pushing the camera stream from my on premise server to WCS. FFMPEG can push the stream to RTMP endpoint. When I try to play the live stream from demo player. It shows status as "Playing" but...
  5. V

    Pushing RSTP stream to WCS

    Is there a way to do the RTMP push from server using the camera private ip.
  6. V

    Pushing RSTP stream to WCS

    Is there a way to push the rtsp stream to WCS. My requirement is to push the rstp stream of IP camera to WCS, but I don't have a public IP for my camera. Is there a way to push the rtsp stream using private IP to WCS.