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  1. djuka

    ChatRoom no video

    Hi Max, thank you for your support. I didn't found what was the problem and it was sure some issue with the server. I did reinstall the server application and now it works as expected.
  2. djuka

    ChatRoom no video

    It is the same even in out of the iframe.
  3. djuka

    ChatRoom no video

  4. djuka

    ChatRoom no video

    1) I click Join button 2) ESTABLISHED writes for status but Join button not goes to Leave 3) Both video windows, local (small) and remote (big) are empty 4) Message boxes displays NONE 5) Publish button is disabled I think WCS server is not configured for chat. Just to mention Stream recording...
  5. djuka

    ChatRoom no video

    Hello, I tried VideoChat code from client2 on my local environment and I can't get video in the application. Connection is established but no local video in the frame. Then I used your and section VideoChat to try my server and I found that does not work even on your demo...
  6. djuka

    Streams overview

    Hi, we have licensed Flashphoner installed on our servers and we have one question: can we get real-time information about currently opened streaming channels on server?
  7. djuka

    Huge flashphoner.log files

    It works perfectly with those settings. Thank you.
  8. djuka

    Huge flashphoner.log files

    I have a problem with flashphoner.log files in the server logs folder. Files are huge and mostly populated with debug entries. How to disable DEBUG logs in flashphoner.log files and have only INFO, WARN, or ERROR?
  9. djuka

    Resolution always 320x240

    Thank you. It works now.
  10. djuka

    Resolution always 320x240

    I set constraints like this: constraints = { video: { width: {min:320, ideal: 640, max:1920}, height: {min:240, ideal: 480, max:1080}, minBitrate: 200, maxBitrate: 1800, frameRate: 20...
  11. djuka

    Automatic resolution switch

    Thank you Max. It works like a charm.
  12. djuka

    Automatic resolution switch

    Hi, I have set video resolution like this: video: { width: {min:320,max:640}, height: {min:240,max:480} } On mobile devices I get recordings always 640x480 even if the network is slow. Is there a possibility to automatically switch from 640x480 to 320x240 if the network is slow?
  13. djuka

    Limited FPS from mobile

    I try to use FP to record streams from mobile but from different mobile devices, I got recordings with different framerate regardless of what is set in the javascript constraints. I set 25 for frameRate but recordings have form 10 to 30. What is the purpose of frameRate property actually?