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  1. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Hi there!, I know that I´m close to finish the integration and the players will be ready some day, but men, this is driven me crazy. I try all this ways, on PC and Mac, again I can´t download the certificates. I´m login with FarManager as ec2-user, I don´t know how to have privileges there... or...
  2. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    this sizes for the .pem are Ok??
  3. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    No luck, I´m close to surrender men. only the README it´s copied again.
  4. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Thanks Max, but once again the files don´t wanna nothing also try simple tar: [ec2-user@ip-xxxxxxxxxxxxx letsencrypt]$ tar -c live tar: live: Cannot open: Permission denied
  5. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Thanks Max, now I can access "live" and see the .pems but once again not allowing me to download nothing. Trying to get the whole "live" folder, only the README file is copied.
  6. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Good day! No success, sorry. with cp or mc the folder is copied to the ec2-user dir but the files are not accesibles, original live or copied. Sorry men, I really close to despair here.
  7. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Hi super Max, I made a mistake and ask for help in other thread, sorry for this. I done the Cerbot way and everythig goes well, but I´m stuck becouse I can´t access the /letsencrypt/live folder. I´ve try stopping WCS, by SSH or Ftp and I have no permissions to access there. Do you know the way...
  8. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Yep, they give me a private Key in .txt format, I´m asking now for other formats but no answers from GoDaddy at this moment. I´m sending also the .txt to support (flashphoner) but I thing the problem is the fromat itself. Anyway I´m trying again the cerbot way, I´m stuck when ask me for a...
  9. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Hey!, men, I´m trynig the certificate thing, I download the .crts and .pem from godaddy but i´m getting this...
  10. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Thanks for check this men, I´m changing my encoder, from Mpeg-TS to SRT, I think this could help with the packet loss thing. Anyway I´ve been messing around with the certificates and I think I´ve supercrash the WCS on this instance. I´m begining a clean install from zero. I´ll tell about when...
  11. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    MAX you´re the MAN!!! Works like a charm. Now I´m trying to install the SSL by the Letsencrypt way, but find a problem. We use a Wix page to embed the player, the WCS is running on a EC2 instance, and the Letsencrypt (webroot) is asking for a "Domain", I can´t use the DNS of the instance...
  12. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Hi there!, I see this when Trying to load a SSL...
  13. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Good day men! 1.- Yes!, On the same mac with the grey screen the stream plays using the link itself. But we need to reload the page and do the "proced to unsecure... google thing" to see this. (I Don´t know how to add a Security certificate, can´t find a path to log me as admin) I attached some...
  14. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Sorry for the late Max, I attached here the console screenshoot of the Mac Chrome Falling. Attached also a new report, I´m trying to do the Debug thing but have problems to overwrite the "" file. It´s like I have not admin privileges. Yes, we embed the WebRTC but hangs all...
  15. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Super Max, we keep the test. I attached a photo of the thing with the frame, at this time the java is installed on both machines so maybe Java is not the point. We play the WebRTC player (Not frame), the embed player opens in browser but suddenly hangs, also on Android opens but not on iOS (no...
  16. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Hi Max, the thing is that with WebRTC the feed lags a lot, the video stops suddenly every minute or random. I also test the WebRTC and I see the gray screen on some Macs. I start a new Instance just to be super sure on a new This is what I see on the Console: 11:45:03 INFO webrtc -...
  17. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    This is what we read in 3 of 5 machines (Attached) . Same Mac OS 10.15.4 on all of them, full updated chrome on all of them. I can only see the java install difference The other two works fine by far. Vico
  18. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Anyway sorry for the misunderstanding I don´t know if it´s about java, the thing is that I´m trying to see the embed in 5 mac computers, 2 of them have installed the java thing (like a charm), the other ones have the grey thing with the sad paper. Best, Vico
  19. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    I´ve got it, sorry for the late super Max!. Send by mail to support, I´cant attach a .gz here
  20. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Can´t download the report Max. Maybe I´m doing something wrong. I said: iMac-Pro-de-Victor-5:PLAYER color_room$ scp -i "PlayerSEC_01.pem""report-2020-06-02-11-23-28"...