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  1. M

    change wss default port

    If set options ip and ip_local same ip public or ip local it works when accessing the web demo by this. but if set all by ip local and http.address=ip public, access by ip public doesn't work.
  2. M

    change wss default port

    My WCS server has an ip public that doesn't use NAT and I turned off the firewalld when testing.
  3. M

    change wss default port

    Yes, it works for the public for demo interface but I intend for the call to have a path connection between SIP server and WCS server using IP local, a connection between WCS server and browser client using IP public when I make a call RTP traffic can't be sent to the browser client.
  4. M

    change wss default port

    hi admin, I can setting WCS connect with SIP server by IP local and with browser run web demo by IP public? when I setting by options ip and ip_local in flashphoner.properites can registered to SIP server but call haven't RTP both audio and video
  5. M

    change wss default port

    Thank you for your reply.
  6. M

    change wss default port

    Hi admin. Can WCS automatically adjust image quality to network speed? If yes, how can i set it up?
  7. M

    change wss default port

    I decreased Video FPS (at Phone Video) and switch TCP transport, but that problem still. Client use WIFI. What parameters can I change resolution/bitrate at
  8. M

    change wss default port

    Hi administrator, I'm using the feature SIP Phone Video, call from Browser to Browser situation occurs freeze-frame in the remote video. I debug in edge://webrtc-internals/. I see frame_Decoded_in_ms unstable. How can I improve this?
  9. M

    [Phone Video SIP] How to send and catch custom params

    I see hook /call outgoing haven't parameter custom.
  10. M

    change wss default port

    Thank you.
  11. M

    change wss default port

    Can I open multiple WSS port on a server install WCS?
  12. M

    change wss default port

    It's work. Thank you again.
  13. M

    change wss default port

    Hi administrator, I'm using WCS version 5.2.1498. I change the default port at file with config: wss.port=443 (default 8443) and then restart webcallserver it OK, but I used the command netstat to check port 443 it's not listening. I'm certain port 443 hasn't been...
  14. M

    SIP video calls recording between 2 SIP accounts

    Thank you for your response.
  15. M

    SIP video calls recording between 2 SIP accounts

    Hi administrator, I want to know WCS can record SIP video calls between 2 SIP accounts. I see a topic in 2017 with the title "SIP calls recording between phone video application" with an answer don't support it but now 2023 WCS can support it? Thank you for reading.
  16. M

    Can connect to kamailio wss from Phone video of Flashphoner?

    About feature phone video of Flashphoner, I can change WCS URL to my wss server? I had changed but failed, I can't see log failed in server but error in dev tool in browser is "WebSocket connection to 'wss://my_wss_server' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected responese code: 400 "