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  1. S

    audio not working when using Safari and Web SDK (Firefox and Chrome are fine)

    I tried this but it didn't help ... let options = { name: this.appSettings.url_stream_name, display: document.getElementById("autoVideo"), receiveAudio: true, autoplay: false, } ...
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    audio not working when using Safari and Web SDK (Firefox and Chrome are fine)

    I also don't want to use autoplay, how can i disable it? Maybe this solves the problem :)
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    audio not working when using Safari and Web SDK (Firefox and Chrome are fine)

    Hi The javascript that i use is this <script> import { mapActions, mapGetters, mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex' import Flashphoner from '@flashphoner/websdk'; import { translate } from 'vue-gettext' const {gettext: $gettext} = translate export default { name: 'FlashPhoner', data: ()...
  4. S

    audio not working when using Safari and Web SDK (Firefox and Chrome are fine)

    I get this when i try to start streaming in Safari (MacBook). This doesn't make any sense since im not using autplay (i have to press the play button in my app which turns into a pause button then)
  5. S

    audio not working when using Safari and Web SDK (Firefox and Chrome are fine)

    Hello version: 5.2.944 WebSDK: 2.0.198 I am using WebCallServer 5 (hosted on AWS) to broadcast a stream to a webapp (Vue.js) using theWebSDK. I have the issue that in Safari (iPhone, iPad and MacBook) audio streaming doesn't work (there is just no audio). When using it together with a video...
  6. S

    Question on user creation/rights (should be able to create stream and view statistics via REST)?

    Ok i don't get it what i have to do, sorry The question is if i create a new user "test" -Can he then login to the webui and start a stream while the admin is also logged in and has a stream started (so having multiple streams on the "defaultApp")? -Can he be used to query the REST API?
  7. S

    Question on user creation/rights (should be able to create stream and view statistics via REST)?

    Hello -Version: 5.5.2-944 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK: 2.0.170 I am struggeling with the user management (read thorugh the docs but i am not understanding correctly), currently only the default user "admin" exists on the system. What i need is a user "test" who can -Login to the admin interface and...
  8. S

    How to disable anonymous viewing of the statistics?

    Hello -Version: 5.5.2-944 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK: 2.0.170 How can i disable viewing stats without http/https anonymously http://host:8081/?action=stat https://host:8444/?action=stat Best, Thomas
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    How to regularly get the number of connected clients?

    Is there any way i can filter via REST API or JSON?
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    How to regularly get the number of connected clients?

    Hey I jave another question (searched the docs but didn't find anything), how can i limit the results to only one stream i.e. "test"? So not the total number of connections and the stream state should be returned, but only the results for "test".
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    How to regularly get the number of connected clients?

    Hello -Version: 5.5.2-944 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK: 2.0.170 Is there a way to regularly get the number of connected clients to show (maybe update every minute) in my Vue.js based webapp? Best, Thomas
  12. S

    Amazon AWS instance stopped working

    Thanks a lot for all your help. Now i got it working in the end (after restarting the Flashphoner service it took the new ip address set previously, i think).
  13. S

    Amazon AWS instance stopped working

    I did the following to set the ip address --- ssh -p 2001 admin@localhost <provide password> show node-settings show node-setting ip update node-setting --value <amazon elastic ip> save node-settings However, i cannot stop and start the instance from within ssh [ec2-user@ip-172-31-16-47 ~]$...
  14. S

    Amazon AWS instance stopped working

    Ok another problem, when i try to stream media using "Media Devices" i can connect to the websocket but every time i try to start the stream it says "FAILED"
  15. S

    Amazon AWS instance stopped working

    Did the port for the webui and when used for embedding change from 8888 to 8444? Because in the past i only used 8888 The websocket port is still 8443, right?
  16. S

    Amazon AWS instance stopped working

    Hi. Ok this worked for me and i could install my custom certificates
  17. S

    Amazon AWS instance stopped working

    I have no backup, the old instance stopped working so i recreated it and nowthe new instance is not working after fresh creation I have the cert and the private key, please tell me how to import them on the command line. Another question is why isn't there a default certificate installed like...