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  1. I

    SSL issue

    Thank you - that worked. Everything is good now.
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    SSL issue

    Hello, my SSL certificates recently expired (autossl generated using hostgator cpanel), so I imported the new ones using the flashphoner web admin, following the same steps I did the first time I installed wcs. I didn't get any errors on the import, but now nothing is working. I am getting the...
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    Recording OBS stream

    Thank you.
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    Recording OBS stream

    Hello - I was able to successfully stream to wcs from OBS by adding the server and streamkey info into the OBS settings. I was also able to play it back live. Is there a way to record the stream from OBS through flashphoner? The "records" folder was empty so I'm not sure if I'm missing a...
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    Audio only stream not working HLS

    I commented out the hls_player width and height settings and it's working now.
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    Audio only stream not working HLS

    Actually, not perfect. Now it doesn't work if I want to include video. I'm giving the user the option of doing a video stream or audio only stream. What are the settings to make it work for both cases?
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    Audio only stream not working HLS

    Perfect, those settings worked. Thank you.
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    Audio only stream not working HLS

    Hello, I am trying to create a webrtc to HLS audio-only live stream. I'm streaming via browser webrtc and playing it back as HLS using a videojs player. When I set video: false in the constraints, the m3u8 file doesn't seem to get created, causing playback to fail with a file not found error...
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    Stream Restriction by authorize domains or ip addresses?

    I don't know if replying to an older post is correct protocol, but was this ever implemented? I am streaming from webrtc to hls and using a videojs player on my site to play the m3u8 file. Any user can view source code and see the full url for the m3u8 file and then concurrently use it in their...
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    Webrtc stream won't stop publishing

    The issue doesn't reproduce in the example, but I should have clarified that I am not doing webrtc publish to webrtc play. I'm doing webrtc publish to HLS play, if that makes a difference. I will still send along the code. I'm currently testing on Windows 8 Firefox 87, android chrome 89, and...
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    Webrtc stream won't stop publishing

    Hello, I have a webrtc setup where the user can start/stop a live stream with buttons. The first time they click the start button, .publish() is called and the STREAM_STATUS.PUBLISHING section of code works great. Then if they click the stop button, .stop() is called and the...
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    Webrtc streaming keep camera ON when not publishing

    Thank you I'll check it out.
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    Webrtc streaming keep camera ON when not publishing

    Hello, is there a way to keep the camera on in the localvideo viewport when the stream stops publishing? Right now it seems the camera only goes on when .publish() is executed, and turns off when .stop() is executed. I want the camera to stay on even when the stream has stopped, in case the user...
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    Ask for camera access only once per web session?

    Hello, I am new to Flashphoner, just using it a few days and getting used to it. I have a webrtc setup (a website application) where you can click a button to test your camera without publishing a stream, and then another button to actually publish. When I click the button to test the camera, it...