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  1. Z

    Android sdk playstream delay issue.

    i want to play live stream only for 15 seconds with counter on screen but due to delay live stream starts after some time so i want to start counter when perfectly video displays on screen. so which method is used for that ? how can i identify when session has been failed due to some problem ?
  2. Z

    video not playing with aws trial server.

    Max do you need credentials ?
  3. Z

    video not playing with aws trial server.

    testing on http://host:9091/dashboard.xhtml wcs url : ws://host:8080 Stream : rtsp://admin:*******@ status : PLAYING on screen nothing is showing.
  4. Z

    video not playing with aws trial server.

    i have launched flash phoner server on aws. using that when i play using demo player it showing playing but video not coming on screen. please note i am using aws trial server. i am using port 8080.
  5. Z

    Live Streaming not working on Opera.

    i can not find this line options.stripCodecs=['H264','h264']; Max here is code where should i remove this H264 codec. stream = session.createStream(options).on(STREAM_STATUS.PLAYING, function(stream) { document.getElementById('resize', function(event){...
  6. Z

    Live Streaming not working on Opera.

    i have downloaded latest sdk from "". from which file i should remove this "session.createStream({name:'stream22', stripCodecs:['H264','h264']}).play();" line ? i have searched this line but can not find this line.
  7. Z

    Live Streaming not working on Opera.

    Opera does not support H.264 codec (default installation). So for opera I have to change playback codec either in JavaScript or server-side for all server. if i wish to change playback codec in JavaScript then which file i should change ? if i wish to change server-side what changes i should do...
  8. Z

    Demo page not working on IE.

    working now. thanks.
  9. Z

    Demo page not working on IE.

    i have visited "" on IE 11 showing "Your browser doesn't support Flash or WebRTC technology necessary for work of an example".
  10. Z

    Your browser doesn't support Flash or WebRTC technology necessary for work of an example

    it is working now. max thanks alot for your time.
  11. Z

    Your browser doesn't support Flash or WebRTC technology necessary for work of an example

    i am running "http://localhost/flashphone/examples/demo/streaming/player/player.html" on my localhost. it gives following error "Your browser doesn't support Flash or WebRTC technology necessary for work of an example". i have installed latest flash player on my pc.