Android sdk playstream delay issue.


New Member
i want to play live stream only for 15 seconds with counter on screen but due to delay live stream starts after some time so i want to start counter when perfectly video displays on screen.
so which method is used for that ?
how can i identify when session has been failed due to some problem ?


Staff member
i want to play live stream only for 15 seconds with counter on screen but due to delay live stream starts after some time so i want to start counter when perfectly video displays on screen. so which method is used for that ?
As I know, for Android SDK we don't have listeners that fire on video rendering event.
I have to check this internally with dev team.
If you have a long delay, you can try to replace video codec.
VP8 codec should work much faster.
Set VP8 as priority codec in
and do restart
service webcallserver restart
how can i identify when session has been failed due to some problem ?
WCS can send notifications about each session via REST/HTTP
You can read REST Methods documentation for more information:
For example, when user is trying to connect, WCS sends /connect
When user is successfully conected, WCS sends /ConnectionStatusEvent with ESTABLISHED status field
When user is disconnected, WCS sends /ConnectionStatusEvent with DISCONNECTED status field
When user is disconnected due an error, WCS sends /ConnectionStatusEvent with FAILED status field
and so on