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  1. appsgenii

    Managed Hosting Services

    Is there any managed Hosting provider for flashphoner. Its really hard to manage server myself. Please suggest if there is any option available or flashphoner itself provide such service.
  2. appsgenii

    Flashphoner not responding

    Max can you please help on this. my website is down right now.
  3. appsgenii

    Flashphoner not responding

    information sent
  4. appsgenii

    Flashphoner not responding

    but I am not able to access from web url. please share private form I will share url and rest of server creds.
  5. appsgenii

    Flashphoner not responding

    webserver process is working I also verify with service webcallserver status webcallserver.service - Flashphoner WebCallServer Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/webcallserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-02-18 05:18:46 CET; 30min...
  6. appsgenii

    Flashphoner not responding

    Server logs 05:08:43,036 ERROR HttpServerHandler - HTTPS-pool-5-thread-1 HTTP error not an SSL/TLS record...
  7. appsgenii

    Flashphoner not responding

    I have restarted server multiple times but its not responding. SSH access is working fine with server. UFW is also disabled. Can you please confirm what this can be issue. Please let me know if I can share server creds and you can review it.
  8. appsgenii

    Flashphoner stop working

    15:10:02,488 ERROR BitstreamNormalizer - pool-64-thread-1 Failed to normalize SPS 6764001fac2c6b83c0f69b808080a00000ffa0002bf21080 java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to convert nal to rbsp, 6764001fac2c6b83c0f69b808080a00000ffa0002bf21080 at
  9. appsgenii

    Flashphoner stop working

    tail -f /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/server_logs/flashphoner.log 15:01:04,019 ERROR RtspAgent - API-ASYNC-pool-13-thread-6 Stream failed 15:02:32,747 ERROR MediaHandler - API-ASYNC-pool-13-thread-5 playStream actualSession doesn't exists, session name ch3...
  10. appsgenii

    Flashphoner stop working

    My videos streams were working fine but it stoped today without any changes done on server. I have tried rtmp and rtsp both they are working directly on VLC but not from flashphoner. Getting this error when trying to stream from admin panal as well. FAILED Failed by ICE timeout Regards Adnan
  11. appsgenii

    RTSP push URL

    I am using Encoder to push RTMP to flashphoner and its workig fine. now I want to push RTSP video stream. Can you please confirm what should be URL where I can push my stream. for RTMP I am using http://MY_IP:1935/live/ch2
  12. appsgenii

    RTSP links stuck after new seconds

    Thank you Max for your help. I have upgraded OS to Ubuntu 18.04 and also installed JAVA 14 and set up ZGC. I think RTSP links are working fine (as I tested for last 5 min). Will confirm you if issue arrises again. But I am having same issue with RTMP links they got stuck. Can you please suggest...
  13. appsgenii

    RTSP links stuck after new seconds

    Please confirm if Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubunut 18.04 is recommended.
  14. appsgenii

    RTSP links stuck after new seconds

    Thank you so much for your reply. I will make changes as described and will let know you.
  15. appsgenii

    flashphoner.js file missing in Example Code.

    I tried searching missing file but couldn't find it any folder. flashphoner.js
  16. appsgenii

    RTSP links stuck after new seconds

    I am using paid flashphoner and using iframe to play rtsp links. Video got stuck after few seconds but same video keep playing on VLC player. I have tested with different RTSP links and result is same. Kindly help to fix this issue. If you need server access kindly confirm I can provide you...
  17. appsgenii

    Cross Domain Restriction

    I am using the latest Flashphoner 5.2.859. And I want to restrict only specific domains to add iframe for my live streaming and other domains should be restricted. Please guide how can we do that.
  18. appsgenii

    Best Practices Configurations.

    We are facing an issue with live streaming it stops broadcasting as the number of users increases and we have to restart the server then it works again. Can you please guide me if there is any best configuration that needs to implement for maximum users? I have also upgraded my server with...
  19. appsgenii

    Embed Player redirecting to login Page

    Thank you so much for your help. It works perfectly fine now.
  20. appsgenii

    Embed Player redirecting to login Page

    I have sent you all server details in private form.